Year 2 Home learning to be handed in on Monday 20th May


We are sharing a class novel in English at the moment and we are thinking hard about what the text tells us beyond the literal- tricky but we are doing really well!

Mrs Maano and Miss Johnston ensure everyday that children complete quizzes once their book is read. Please make sure we have read your book by Friday (unless a short novel).


NUMBOT Challenge! There are 18 levels in Numbots from Rust to Diamond. We have a leader in class who has reached Silver. We are all on a mission to move up a level this week. 10 minutes a day or a longer super focused session - it is up to you! Remember speed (mental fluency) is what it is all about!


More words with the suffixes er and est added!

RULE drop they and add an i

Happy happier happiest

Silly sillier silliest

jolly jollier jolliest

funny funnier funniest

spiky spikier spikiest

floppy floppier floppiest


Worksheet this week glued into homework book. Tricky joining of r form the top not the bottom. We will be practicing in class on Wednesday. On the ipad you could practice “harder letter” s joining form the bottom.