Join Choir - June 2024

Are you in Years 3, 4, 5 or 6 and love to sing and perform? If the answer is yes, then why not become a member of our school choir?
Being a member of choir requires commitment, dedication and responsibility. However, joining the school Choir during the Summer 2 term is a great opportunity to trial being a member before committing fully in the new school year. Returning members are also very welcome in this final term! We will meet for choir practices weekly on a Thursday and we are hoping to perform at some of the end of year celebrations.

The first Choir session of the final term will take place on Thursday 13th June from 3:25pm - 4:15pm. They will then take place every Thursday until the 18th of July.

If you would like to trial becoming a member of Our Lady Star of the Sea school choir or are a returning member, then please ask an adult to complete the form below.

I look forward to seeing all your lovely faces and hearing your wonderful voices
Miss Woodend