As May is the month of Mary, we had a lovely worship in our outside worship area. All children had a set of rosary beads and we learned how to pray the rosary together. We then sung a song to Mary and crowned her with blossoms.
In English this week, we read furter into our novel and met a very whacky character. The children worked in pairs to write character descriptions. They also practised reading closely to infer what point the writer is trying to make at different parts.
Maths has seen us understand and reason about non-unit fractions and be able to compare them. We have also been adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.
For PE this week, we have had two lessons outside. We have been learning a bit of meditation and also started to practice for our upcoming sports day
For Science, we have been experimenting to see what caused a change in pitch. We used many different ways to seek patterns in our findings. See conversation starters below
Conversation starters
What is pitch? What causes change in pitch. What would the soundwaves look like? What is your favourite instrument? Have a chat about playing the flute - there are a couple of notices about flute below. You can discuss them with your family.
Also this week, we had a special worship all about love led by these two children. They talked about God’s great love for us and how we need to spread this love to one another. Thank you children. It was really beautiful.
Let’s Celebrate!
Toby and Rory both received a co-operative and focused learner certificate. We would like to thank you Toby and Rory for caring so much about your class, showing respect, dedication and focus in all you do.
Learned and Wise butterflies
This week our learned and wise butterflies go to Matilda and Lily for pushing themselves out of comfort zones and believing in themselves
Lunchtime role model: Daisy
Marvellous Lunchtime manners: Ciaran
Music stars Ciaran, Matilda and Logan
PE stars Logan and Amelia for excellent team spirit and great technique in exercises.
GOING GREEN - Keep going everyone!
Holy Communion Saturday. Please can children arrive at 9:15am at the priests house. Parents can then proceed into church and find your seat. We have allocated two pews per family. Children are very well-prepared and we are all really looking forward to the occasion.
Flute this week will be on Tuesday instead of Monday - just a one off.
Half Term- School to close for half on Friday 24th May at normal time. School will reopen on Monday 10th June.
Some dates for diary: Wednesday 12th June Sports Day- This will be the second day back after half term so feel free to practice the events over half term. The events and set up will be identical to last year- starting at 1:30-3:00.
Monday 17th June Jim Jam Jog- Sponsorship forms have gone out to all children. Get fundraising for a brilliant cause. Money to be brought in on Jim Jam Jog Day.
Flute concert Wednesday 10th July. 2:00pm at school. Children would love to perform pieces on their flute for your enjoyment!
Wider Opportunities next year - For the past year, your child has learnt a musical instrument as part of the Wider Opportunity Scheme in school. For our Year 4 children it has been the flute, and for Year 5, the clarinet. As your child progresses to their next class, there will be the opportunity for them to continue to learn the instrument that they have learnt this year, in small groups, if they choose to do so. If your child wants to continue, there will be a cost to these sessions. That will be worked out once we know how many children want to continue their instruments into the next year.
Please complete the form below as an expression of interest.
Rosary - The month of May is where we pray the rosary together. If children wish, they can bring in their own set for this month to use.
Now payable on parentpay: Tuesday 18th June Our Anglo Saxon/Viking trip to Tatton Park. Children need to come dressed as either an Anglo-Saxon or a Viking on this day.
Helmets- We are hoping to buy some scooters for outside use on the playground, for money we have won for being the BEST class (with Year 3 too) at walking to school! (Well done) We are wondering if anyone has any spare helmets their children no longer wear that they could kindly donate?
Have an enjoyable weekend. See some of you on Saturday morning.
Mrs Lyons , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter