Year 5 Weekly Blog 21.06.24- ' Everything is better in pyjamas'

What an action packed week it has been! No better way to start the week than in our PJ’s for our annual Jim Jam Jog. Luckily, we were all good in terms of weather and both children and parents came into school in such good spirits. We raised so much money for a charity very close to the Our Lady’s and it was brilliant to have our firefighters with us on the field- joining in with our morning run.

This week also celebrated our much anticipated ‘Italian Day’. All of these preparation over the past few weeks in DT has led to the children cooking their spaghetti bolognese. A task that I had absolutely no impact on- all of the hard work came from Mrs Mather, Miss Neves and the children. However, myself and Mrs Gregan got to taste test their creations and there were truly delicious- very impressive I must say.

In English, we have finished our plan for our newspaper articles and have began to write up our final edition of the newspaper. The children have loved playing the role of a journalist in choosing their own professional title, choosing which newspaper to work for and creating some puntastically creative headlines.

In Maths, we have delved deeper into our fractions topic and looked at the connection between improper fractions and mixed number fractions and how we convert between the two.

Lots of Geography this week as we have looked into Britain’s natural resources and how we use these. This has been a great insight into how these resources affect our environment and how we as the eco class can positively impact this.

Let’s Celebrate

  • Cora for being an enthusiastic learner: It may be the last half term of the year, but you are still just as eager to learn than you were back in September. You have thrown yourself straight into our new fractions topic along with putting in the extra effort so early on into our play practice. You have also represented our school excellently in sports competition- playing with such enthusiasm and respect.

  • Rose and Pippa for being creative learners: Your creativity in our writing lessons always blow me away. All of those reading hours have been paying off. Creating catchy headlines, using puns, was a match made in heaven task for you two. I can’t wait to read the rest of your articles.

  • Virtue Butterflies: Our new virtues for the half term are grateful and generous. This weeks butterfly goes to Elsie and Michael. Elsie, you are always so generous towards the adults in our school. You are always offering to assist any member of staff in a task and you never mind doing a job when asked. Michael, you are so generous towards the other children in our class and are there to always offer a hand when someone needs cheering up.

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Marvellous Manners- Luke and Sophia

  • Role Model of the Week- Roseanna and Bella


  • Assessment Week- This week, the children will be completing their end of year assessments. Due to the children being so close to Year 6, the children will be completing 6 SAT style papers but tapered to the Year 5 curriculum. I have emphasised that this is more of a celebration of what the children have learned over the year and these scores do not contribute towards any outcome- so there is no need worry. One of these papers will be a spelling test so there will be no spelling homework this week.

  • Wednesday 10th July Music Concert- This will take place at 2pm of this day to celebrate what the children have learned this year in music.

  • Thursday 11th July- We will be spending the day at St Bedes, along with many other schools in our area for a ‘PE Day’. Children are to come into school in their PE kits so there will be no need for watches and earrings. Plenty of water will be needed.