Year 2 weekly blog - Friday 12th July "Shalom my friends"

This week the children explored Judaism in the RE lessons. We have a new and growing understanding of another great faith. The children have explored the inside of a synagogue. We now know that the Jewish community worship on a Saturday and not a Sunday. We know too that the Torah (holy scripture) is kept in an Ark in the centre of the Synagogue. The children have designed stain glass windows and created a quiz on Purple Mash to demonstrate just how much they have learnt. Next week we watch and listen to how the Jewish faith places charity and community at the heart of their faith. This links in beautifully to our charitable work here in school. The children were so excited about joining in the festivities on Friday to raise money for Dominic’s chosen charity. Together we thank God for such a wonderful community. See pictures below for a celebration of the day!


Well England getting into the final of the European Championships was pretty special and I think we did have a part to play as we were very excited, said some prayers and willed them on! In school we wrote stories which I thoroughly enjoyed marking! So many of us have mastered subtracting and bridging down on a numberline we just need to practice now. I have children jumping up levels on Numbots too - make sure you are doing this on your own- that is how you build confidence and understanding. We had fun in PE as the cricket bats came out and coins changed hands in Mrs Lavelle’s money lesson. Miss Neves led us in DT/art which is always a creative highlight of the week. We have completed our history and science lessons so we have dived into some extra DT. We explored levers, linkages and pivots and I’m sure you’ll be impressed with our moving creations!


Watch the football together. Learn the names of the players. Find out what happened to Gareth Southgate when he played for England and how he turned failure into success- get inspired!


How to choose certificates when everyone has worked so hard all year. It has not always been easy in Year 2 - we have needed to dig deep and learn how to keep focused over longer periods of time. With this in mind I have awarded focused Kuba Crabs. Coming into Year 2 has helped me see how challenging it is to manage equipment, instructions and time to complete our learning and the following children have made tremendous strides in this regard and because they are so focused, they have thrived.

Well done Jacob, Isla, Jack and Ruth.

Virtue- Generous and Grateful - Henry O for being a kind and generous friend

Dinnertime awards:

Marvellous Manner

Role Model of the Week


Friday will be our final day - we finish at 2pm

Reading books need to be returned so I will be holding onto these from Monday. We will use class readers in the day. Time now to visit St Annes library and join the Summer Reading Challenge.

Exercise books - these will be coming home on Wednesday. The children will need to bring in a strong bag for life to carry these home - they will also need an adult to help as the books are heavy!!!

Leavers’ Mass on Wednesday morning - would you be available to walk done with us? We would love to share this special mass with you if you can make it.

Have the best weekend - take care!