'It is in your hands to make of our world a better one for all.'

Reception’s Trip to Fairhaven Lake

What a fantastic day we had on Thursday when we went on a adventure to Fairhaven Lake to enjoy our final ranger session Fraser and Ed. We began with some parachute games which helped us to learn and remember some key vocabulary such as river, sea, estuary and then we walked around the lake to see which different habitats we could find. We also enjoyed using beach materials to create our own beach art of different sea creatures. Reception had a wonderful day and were fabulous role models for Our Lady Star of the Sea, with many passers by commenting on what a polite and sensible class they are. We couldn’t agree more and are very proud of them for representing our school so well.

A special thank you to Fraser and Ed at Fylde Council for 5 weeks of ranger school and lots of new experiences! Reception have enjoyed every second!

Dominic’s Sports Festival

On Friday we had a wonderful day coming together as a school family to raise money for a cause close to all of our hearts. Thank you to Year 5 for organising a brilliant day full or sports and cakes! A very big thank you to families for all of your support and generosity.

Let’s Celebrate…

Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Kira!
Kira, we are incredibly proud of the progress you have made during your Reception journey. You have a genuine enthusiasm and love of learning which has helped you to shine brightly and beam with confidence. Your confidence and enthusiasm has helped you to grow your brain tremendously and we have enjoyed watching how much fun you have had with your learning. With this wonderful enthusiasm we know you will continue to shine in year 1!
Well done Kira!

Focused Cooper Crab: Antonio!
Antonio, we have really noticed how focused you are trying to be during our whole class activities and we can see how proud it makes you feel too. You have recognised that being focused like Cooper Crab can help us to grow our brains and you have shown this by joining in and sharing your thoughts and ideas.
Well done Antonio!

Whole School Virtues - Generous and Grateful: Rebecca!
Rebecca, you show such gratitude for the wonderful resources in our classroom and have been a brilliant role model showing others how to treat things with care and respect. Thank you for recogising how important it is to look after our environment and for inspiring others to do the same.

Lunch Time Awards:

We also have lunch time certificates which are awarded by the lunch time team to those children who they see being wonderful role models and using marvelous manors:

This weeks role model: Nellie!

This weeks marvelous manners: Elijah!

Thank you both for being such wonderful role models and for remembering those acts of kindness everyday!

Important Information and Upcoming Events:

  • Monday - Carrier bag / bag for life
    Please could each child bring in a carrier bag on Monday as we will be sending home items that have been kept in school.
    Thank you

  • Appropriate coats and clothing
    The weather is a little unpredictable at the moment but we kindly ask that children bring in a light rain jacket to school each day just incase. We like to enjoy as much time outside as possible!
    Thank you

  • Grapes
    Polite reminder that if you are sending grapes into school as a snack, these must be cut in half lengthways for safety.
    Thank you

  • Reading Books

    Reading books have been collected and will stay at home now as we do a stock check and prepare books for the following year. If you still have a school reading book at home kindly send this in on Monday.
    Thank you

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Mrs Hartley

Have a lovely weekend,
God Bless,
The Reception team