Year 5 Weekly Blog 12.07.24- ' Alone we can do so little. Together, we can do so much'

Wow! What an amazing week it has been. We are making sure that we go out with a bang this year in Year 5. A lot of our week consisted of our play practices in which the children are most certainly ready for. If you haven’t already, make sure to purchase ticket for the show from the office. With all of the play practices this week and with groups of children constantly in and out of the classroom, we have used this week to finish off any remaining work across our curriculum- which has allowed the children to really focus on their independence in taking ownership of their work.

Thursday saw us take a trip to St Bede’s for a PE day. It was brilliant for the children to spend an entire day at their potential future high school and get a real feel for the place. The children were joined by many other primary schools in the Lytham St Annes area, in which it was brilliant to see the children reunited with their friends from outside of school. This was also a brilliant opportunity for the children to meet new people and start building new friendships for the future.

We finished the week in style as Year 5 got the opportunity to host a sports afternoon, directed by the Barrow brothers, in aid of the children’s hospitals that have been helping our Dominic throughout his treatments. The class have come together the past few weeks to create all of the ideas that were on display this afternoon and we hope that all of the children enjoyed the event. We can’t thank you enough for the extra preparation that you did for our event such as baking cakes to donating prizes for the tombola. Nearly £3,000 raised so far which is absolutely fantastic- and still counting!

Let’s Celebrate

Lunchtime Certificates

  • Marvellous Manners- Rafe

  • Role Model of the Week- Cora


  • Y5/Y6 End of Year Play- The dates and times of the performances are listed below. There will be three performances of the play on these dates:

    • Monday 15th July at 6pm

    • Tuesday 16th July at 9:30am

    • Tuesday 16th July at 6pm

    If you haven’t already, please get in touch with our office team to purchase your tickets.

  • Summer Holidays- School will close at 2pm on Friday 19th July for summer.