Year 1 Weekly Blog 12.7.24 '‘How do you spell love? You don't spell feel it’

How do you spell love?
You don't spell feel it’

A.A. Milne

As we apporach our final week in school, lets celebrate our achievements and share a lttle bit of what we have been up to.

In RE we learnt about the Jewish religion. We discovered they believe in one God and they believe he created the world just like we do! Their special day is Saturdays/Sabboth this is a day of rest and worship.

Conversation Starter

Can you share the actions we learnt in class for: Kippah (the cap men and boys wear to show their respect to God), Torah (a special book which contains stories of the history of Jewish people) , Tallit (shawl wore by men when they are praying) and Synagogue (a place of worship) and discuss what they are?

What have we been learning this week……

PE: We played rounders against each other in our house teams, we certainly had some great goes at hitting the ball. Mr Nay and myself were so impressed with the sportmanship and support every child showed each other, it was lovely to see.

On Wednesday we walked to the library. Thank you to Ms Williamson, Mrs Price, and Ms Voghon for coming along with us. I read a story, the Gecko and the Echo which we all enjoyed. then we selected a few books to check out.

I’ve renewed lots of books please can you return the books over the summer holidays, thank you.

English: We finished our innovation of the Caveman Next Door, we thought of exciting ideas and wrote excellent sentences, we will mark and edit our work next week.

Music with Miss Lavelle: We practised then perfomed to Reception, it was amazing watch our video.

Sports Fest: we had a lovely afternoon to help raise money for children’s hospitals that are close to our hearts. Year 5 planned all the different activities thank you for all of your donations. When we last counted we raised over £2000! Some children helped me take lots of pictures too.

Maths: we are revisiting our number bonds to 10 and 20, these skills help us with our equations, keep practising at home and continue counting in 2s,5s and 10s these skills will help in Year 2. Little and often is best, there are lots of great maths games on top marks too.

Sign Language with Miss Liddell: We were very lucky that Miss Liddell could teach us some sign language, we learnt how to say my name is and sign our name. I’ve put the picture below so you can sign your names at home.

Let’s Celebrate:

Lunchtime awards:

Well done to our Role Model Emilia and Leo T for his Marvellous Manners.

Well done to our certificate awardees: two ‘Lizzie Ladybirds’ for reflecting on themselves and challenging themselves with their learning.

This person is taking Henry home for a brilliant week you have worked so hard well done :)

Well done to these children: there were so many this week! We had Silver, Gold and Platinum .

Upcoming dates and Reminders:

  • Monday - Carrier bag / bag for life
    Please could each child bring in a carrier bag on Monday as we will be sending home items that have been kept in school. Thank you

  • Please can you bring in water bottles every day and remember to bring in reading folders so we can quiz and change books.

  • Please can you ensure football/pokemon cards do not come into school. There are lots being passed around and brought out in the classroom, they are best staying at home so they don’t go missing, thank you.

  • Polite reminder that all children across school should bring water in their bottles and not juice. This is something that we discuss regularly in school as part of our discussions about healthy snacks and healthy lunches. Please can you bring in healthy snacks please refer to the poster for suitable snack, we always have fruit avalible too.

    If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

Thank you for all of your support 

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond, Mrs Carragher and Mrs Davis