Year 1 Homework 12.7.24


Its our last week, our final push for our reading certificates, if they are close then they can have their final certificate next week. Well done and thank you for all the reading you do at home.


Keep talking about the time, go on this interactive clock below, can you make different o’clock times and half past times? Where should the minute hand be? Where should the hour hand be? These games on top marks are great. Keep working on counting in 2s,5s and 10s and use hit the button to practise addition, subtraction and number bonds. Click on number bonds then choose 1-10, 1-20 and up to 100, this will help with fluency and prepare us for Year 2 please continue to practice these skills over the summer holidays it will make a huge difference and prepare them for the challenge of Year 2.


Keep the handwriting going over the holidays too, keep working on pre-cursive letters and simple sentences.

Once you log in, you can click on free play to explore at home or Year 1.

To find the letters, click on easy letters, then click on the letters you want to practise, at the bottom of the screen. You can click on the play button to see how you write the letter, then click on try and the bottom of the screen under the play button so you can practice each letter.

Don’t forget to practise with pencils in your purple books

Optional Challenges!

It is wonderful that the children are so excited about their learning and to see how keen they are to continue this outside of school. We welcome any opportunity to share these learning experiences with you at home, which is why we have created ‘optional challenges’ across each year group which can be explored over this Summer 2 half term.

These challenges link to the wider area of our curriculum, there are some activities to help with retrival and some with topics that are coming up.

Below you will find the optional challenges linking to the topics and areas of learning that we will be exploring this half term. These fun challenges are designed to cover a range of skills without being stressful or time consuming for you at home. You are welcome to complete them in any order you wish and it would be lovely to see pictures or examples of things that the children have enjoyed at home.

As always, thank you for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Drummond