It has been a brilliant week here in Year 5 with lots of learning taking place. We began our worships this week, with the theme being listening and the importance of this in everyday life. We read the gospel where Jesus ‘looked up to heaven and sighed. He said to him, “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened’ We discussed times when we maybe haven’t listened as well and how we can improve this going forward.
In English this week, the penny had finally dropped in the reveal of our new class novel ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ with us understanding the link towards our WW2 work prior to this week. We have teased the children with the opening 5 minutes of the film in order to introduce our new characters and we have read chapter 1 of the book- analysing some key vocabulary and meanings.
In Maths we continued with our place value work of identifying and reading numbers to a million. We have been looking at different ways to do this such as counters, diennes, part whole models, written in words and partioning.
We had our first music lesson this week with our focus being ‘Blues Music’. Both teachers and children taking part in the expressions test in which we listened to different blues songs and drew pictures based on what first came to our minds.
We continued with our weekly kidsafe lesson this week, the letter below contains information about what what discussed.
Conversation starters
On Monday, we began an exciting new program has started in school, named ‘My Happy Mind.’ Children had their first lesson on Monday, where they learned that they can focus their mind on anything if they try. They learned about 3 parts of the brain, that work together to help us feel calm, safe and alert - the hippocampus, the amygdala and the pre-frontal cortex. Each week, you will have a ‘Happy Mind’ conversation starter to have meaningful conversations around happiness and health.
This week’s question, “ What activities do you like to do to relax your mind?”
Subject question of the week- In History, we looked at the rise of Athens in Ancient Greece with the creation of democracy being a key factor.
How democratic are we as a country? Could we be better at this?
Let’s Celebrate
Lorenzo for being enthusiastic: You have taken to Year 5 like a duck to water. You have taken on the school life routines straight away. You have really been a role model to the rest of the class in the expectations of an upper junior. Keep this up as the year goes on.
Teddy for being focused: Your classmates, teachers and parents have been blown away with how you have taken to life in Year 5. You have just got on with everything that has been asked, immersing yourself into your reading, times tables and our English work. You have been a joy to teach and to get to know.
Toby for being attentive: Your focus and attention to detail is fantastic. Whenever your teachers are talking, your eyes are always fixated on them. You always do as you are asked, never making a wrong decision and allowing yourself to put all of your focus into your work. Brilliant work Toby.
Lunchtime Certificates
Role Model of the Week- Lorenzo
Marvelous Manners- Sean
Induction Evening- This will take place on Wednesday 18th September. There will be two opportunities to attend this with them being at 3:45pm-4:30pm and then 4:45pm-5:30pm.
Medical and Consent Forms- Please complete these ASAP to allow your teachers to know about any medical requirements that your child has along with consent forms over online publications. These are available on last weeks blog.
Sports Club Opportunities- Information regarding this is available on the sports page of the website. If interested, please complete the forms to register your child for a specific club.