Please ensure you are reading with your child as much as possible, this is the gateway to all learning!
We will be introducing new phonics books this Tuesday, they are for you to keep over the half term and will be changed again on Monday.
The pre cursive letters we are focusing on this week are : j, y
Please complete the handwriting sheet in your child’s homework book.
Our spellings for this week are :
We will be learning our new spellings on a Monday, practising on a Wednesday and completing a spelling test on a Friday. But due to finishing this week on Thursday, the test for these words will be on Thursday.
Practise the past three weeks spellings over half term to secure that learning.
Read, cover, write, check.
Recap of tetrominoes and pentominoes.
What are they? How many squares do you need for each one?
Can you make a tetromino, can you do it another way? Can you make a pentomino three different ways?
Can you innovate the characters in our story? Make one good superhero and one bad character, remember they have to be a fruit or vegetable.
Draw them with lots of detail, do they have an outfit? A mask? A prop to help them be good or bad?
A challenge : can you think a superhero name for your character using an adjective?
This is due Monday 28th October along with the maths and handwriting.
We have sent home purple mash, letterjoin and numbots logins so you are also able to access these at home.
If you complete any of the optional homework, please record this in the homework books for us to see!