Assembly parts
Please learn your assembly parts off by heart for next Thursday.
Our class assembly takes place on Tuesday 15th October.
Also please learn the following song
Don’t forget to practise any words from the week before that you didn’t know. Same format this week:.
Remembering past graphemes (spelling patterns) by collecting words
Remembering past common words
Revising a rule for spelling
Learning new tricky words
Please complete the 2 sheets, following the guidance on the sheet to help you. Notice the words on the sheet are in beautiful, joined up handwriting - so yours should be too!
Use this task to help you improve your handwriting. It is best to complete it in pencil then you can rub it out if you make a mistake.
Please go on TTRockstars for 5 minutes every day in the Garage
How are you doing with your reading target this half term? Less than three weeks to go - can you read, read, READ?