‘The beautiful thing about learning is that no-one can take it away from you.’

Our first full week in Year One has been fantastic. The children have continued to wow me everyday with their enthusiasm for learning and brilliant Cooper Crab focus.

I hope you have enjoyed reading with the children at home this week, thank you for your patience as I have organised suitable reading books for them. From next week, the children will begin to quiz on Accelerated Reader. The children will be given a ‘quiz day’, and this will be the day they change their reading book each week. I will write this day inside their reading log too. It’s so important that the children bring their reading packet to school with them everyday; we read every morning - the perfect way to start our day! As we settle into our routine, word sets will be changed as frequently as possible; I’ve already changed lots already which is amazing!


What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week, the children have been counting objects within ten. They will be practising this on IXL for home learning.

In English, the children have been taste testing different fruits and vegetables, then describing them with adjectives. We then wrote a Fruity Poem using ‘and’ to join two adjectives together in a sentence. I wonder if you can encourage children to describe the food they eat over the weekend? e.g. Grapes are green and juicy.

In RE we have begun our learning about how God created the world and have reflected on what we think is the most beautiful thing in God’s world. The children came up with such thoughtful answers, such as playing with their family in the sunshine and birds tweeting in the trees.

In Science we had so much fun playing ‘guess the baby’ and comparing how we have changed over time. Once again, thank you so much for your help in making this lesson possible.



Focused Cooper Crab: For being a focused and enthusiastic learner. Mia-Grace, I have been so impressed with your concentration this week, especially when doing your reading and writing. Your wonderful focus makes you a true role model to your class friends! Well done Mia-Grace!

Creative Kiki Chameleon: For making fantastic predictions about the suspicious supermarket. Alana, I was so impressed with your creative ideas in English this week. Your idea about an earthquake shaking the plasters off the shelf and onto the floor, was brilliant! I can’t wait to see more of your creativity this year!


  • Thank you so much to those of you who generously made a donation at the end of Reception. I look forward to sharing with you what has been purchased very soon.

  • Opposite is a letter about teaching of RHE at Our Lady’s. We hope this letter will give you a greater understanding about how RHE will be taught in the year ahead.

  • Please can children avoid wearing earrings and watches on PE days.

  • Details of this weeks Home Learning can be found on the Home Learning Blog.

God Bless and have a brilliant weekend,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team