Year 6 Weekly Blog - "The Kingdom of God is in the midst of you."

The children have settled beautifully into Year 6 life - it is like they have always been here. This first half term in Year 6 is all about leadership; putting themselves forward to be the very best versions of themselves and excellent role models. On Monday, the children will find out what positions they have been given based on the votes of the school. I know that whatever position the children get, they will conduct themselves with love and compassion at all times. I am excited to see just what the children achieve this year.

We have completed so many learning tasks in class this week, I do not know where to start. In English we have started to read our novel The Nowhere Emporium. The children have been working hard to understand complex vocabulary; character and author intent. In Maths, it has been all about place value. We have been reading and writing numbers up to 10,000,000 and then using our knowledge of column addition and subtraction to work with decimal numbers. We will be really hitting the ground running on Monday. South America is our focus in Geography. It seemed very apt that on the day we started to look at this continent, the temperature was 27 degrees! We felt like we were in South America!

Our central point of the curriculum in Year 6 is RE. This is the work that centers us. We have discussed what the Kingdom of God is and what we think it looks like. The children asked some really deep questions about who goes to the KOG. I am looking for the children to bring the Kingdom of God alive at Our Ladys this year and nurture it within the school.

RHE (Relationships and health education) is a statutory part of our curriculum in school. Throughout the year, the children will be taught different strategies to support their relationships in school, at home and online; as well as lots of other areas. Please click on the button below to see how we will teach RHE at Our Ladys.

Leading Learning

All of the children deserve the certificate this week, there has been some excellent learning across the board. Well done to all of the class, but especially to Lily A and Eli who have received the certificates this week. Both children have shown focus and reflection throughout the week.

Applying to high school

I know the children have only just come back into school and it seems odd that we are already thinking about the end of the year. However, now is the time to apply for high school. The deadline is 31st October 2021. Please click on the link below to take you to the LCC website to apply.

If you are applying for your child to attend St Bedes, there will be an additional form to complete as well. This form is the faith form. We will receive these in school and I will send them home as soon as they come in.

If anybody has any questions about the process, please do get in touch and I will help in any way that I can.

Have a wonderful weekend with your family. Hopefully the sun will shine.

Mrs Gregan and the Year 6 team