'Reading is a passport to countless adventures!'

It has been yet another fantastic week in Year 1 as we continue to soar with our Space topic. The children’s enthusiasm and curiosity has been amazing. They have thoroughly enjoyed being space experts and sharing their fascinating facts with each other.

On Ash Wednesday we joined with Reception and Year 2 for a Lent Liturgy led by Father Peter. The children enjoyed a moment of calm, listening to Father Peter and reflecting on how we can show gratitude during Lent.

On Thursday we had a great day celebrating World Book Day and we were so excited to spend the morning sharing stories with Year 4!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths we have continued to deepen our understanding of number and have been actively exploring the difference between 2 groups of objects.

In English we received an exciting letter from the author Debi Gliori. She told us all about the books she has written and illustrated; did you know she has written over 70 books! To help us remember all of the facts, we created actions and drew sentence maps. We know that much about Debi Gliori our working wall is full! Just take a look…



Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Congratulations Liam, you have been such an enthusiastic historian this week. It is wonderful to see how much you are enjoying our topic and how determined you are to find out more! Not only have shared interesting facts with your friends but you have suggested 13 excellent questions to help us all grow our brains!

Focused Cooper Crab: Congratulations Lucia, you have been so focused during all of our lessons this week. It is wonderful to see how much you are enjoying our learning and I love how you have been sharing your ideas and asking questions within our class discussions!

Walk for Hunger

After much thought we have decided that our almsgiving through Lent will focus on CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger and we will be praying for all those around the world who are in desperate need. The children will be asking you to sponsor them as each class tries to walk at least 200K (125 miles!) over the next five weeks in our lead up to Holy Week in school. You can do this by donating on ParentPay which will be live from today. If every family donates at least £5 in sponsorship we should be able to head towards that magical £1000 for this very worthy cause. In the past a few families have collected Lenten alms with wider family and friends and passed on the donation to our chosen charity so we will put this item on ParentPay showing a range for the amount to be donated but there are no expectations and all donations are gratefully received. Below are some of the items and support which CAFOD is hoping to provide:

·         £12 can buy ingredients to make a highly nutritious sesame seed paste so a new mum can help her
malnourished child grow big and strong

·         £20 can fund expert nutrition and healthcare classes for new mums and dads in rural communities

·         £200 can feed ten malnourished children sesame paste for a week, helping them grow big and

·         £500 can provide an entire community with pepper seeds for planting season

·         £600 can help local experts deliver a highly effective door-to-door campaign in rural communities,
training people in proper sanitation, hygiene and nutrition

Thank you for your support.


  • Walk for Hunger: Year 1 have decided they would like to do a space walk around the field each day. As the weather has been quite wet recently, please could they bring a pair of space boots (wellies!) to school on Monday if they don’t have a pair here already.

  • A polite reminder that on Friday 25th March you are invited to come into school to look at the children’s learning in their books. If you would like to come in, please book this through the ‘Response to Learning Invitation’ button which can be found on Miss Hornby’s blog from last week.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team