Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Let light shine out of the darkness.'

This week has marked the start of Lent as we celebrated Ash Wednesday together with a liturgy led by Fr Peter and Year 6 in the hall. He challenged us to really open our hearts; to look beyond ourselves.

‘We begin our journey to the cross by: learning to look to God, look to ourselves and look to others.’

We now have a purple liturgy candle in class that we will use over the coming weeks. This reminds us of the sins that we blow away but also that Jesus is the light of the world. As we approach the passion of Christ, we will be reminding ourselves of how we can be the light of Christ.

Today is World Prayer Day.

This prayer seemed fitting to share given the recent conflict that we are seeing on a daily basis.

We walk together in Christ.

Turning to the Cross

After much thought we have decided that our almsgiving through Lent will focus on CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger and we will be praying for all those around the world who are in desperate need. The children will be asking you to sponsor them as each class tries to walk at least 200K (125 miles!) over the next five weeks in our lead up to Holy Week in school. You can do this by donating on ParentPay which will be live from today. If every family donates at least £5 in sponsorship we should be able to head towards that magical £1000 for this very worthy cause. In the past a few families have collected Lenten alms with wider family and friends and passed on the donation to our chosen charity so we will put this item on ParentPay showing a range for the amount to be donated but there are no expectations and all donations are gratefully received. Below are some of the items and support which CAFOD is hoping to provide:

  • £12 can buy ingredients to make a highly nutritious sesame seed paste so a new mum can help her malnourished child grow big and strong

  • £20 can fund expert nutrition and healthcare classes for new mums and dads in rural communities

  • £200 can feed ten malnourished children sesame paste for a week, helping them grow big and strong

  • £500 can provide an entire community with pepper seeds for planting season

  • £600 can help local experts deliver a highly effective door-to-door campaign in rural communities, training people in proper sanitation, hygiene and nutrition.

Year 6 have created a WALKING JAR in class where they have collected ideas of small walks that we can complete daily. These include: relay races, daily mile and walking to the Parish Centre and back. In addition, we are planning on completing a bigger WALK AGAINST HUNGER. The children decided that they would like to walk to St Bedes and back; the next part in the children’s faith journey. Our walk will take us towards and through Witch Wood, onto St Bedes and then back along the coast to school.

We will be completing our walk next Thursday 10th March. The children will need to come into school in their school PE kit and some good walking shoes/trainers/walking boots. The weather is looking lovely at the moment so the children will need a coat or jacket that they can carry themselves in a rucksack. All of the children will need a packed lunch. If they normally have a school dinner, a packed lunch will be provided.

After we have visited St Bedes, we are then planning to walk back to school along Granny’s Bay and back along the beach.

It would be lovely if some parents or grandparents could join us on our walk to make it a real community of faith event. If you are able to join us, please complete the form below.

You are never alone when you are lost in a book

I love World Book Day! Yesterday brought us much happiness, laughter and excitement. I hope you enjoy looking at the photographs from yesterday and that they make you smile as much as we did. It was the perfect opportunity for us to start our new novel SKELLIG. This is a book full of mystery and curiosity; it is a firm favourite of mine. The book provides the perfect bridge to high school as it discusses some mature topics and there is some inappropriate language. It gives us the opportunity to discuss it in context and to use it as an education for somethings that they may hear when they go to high school.

Leading Learners

What a week of learning!

Well done to James and Lorna-Jane this week.

James, you have been really creative and have fully immersed yourself into our writing unit of work. Keep those basic writing skills consistent because it is enabling you to really fly!

Lorna-Jane, you are such a kind and compassionate member of our class. I feel excited for any learning partner who gets you because you are excited by learning and will offer so much support. Thank you.

School Sport

It has been lovely to see the children in a different environment over the past two weeks. I think swimming in their pjs is definitely one for the memory book.

Yesterday was the final swimming session as we have completed the water safety aspect of the curriculum.

As of next week, we will be back to indoor PE on a Wednesday morning. Please ensure the children have their PE kits ready and any socks for veruccas are brought in.


  • Parents’ Evening - Please make sure that you have booked an appointment via Miss Hornby’s blog.

  • WATER PARKS MEETING - Monday 7th March 5.30pm. Please complete the form below to indicate if you are able to attend and how many people will be attending. We can accommodate a maximum of 2 adults and 1 child.

  • CHOIR - This will be starting again on Monday 7th March from 3.20pm - 4.00pm with Miss Woodend. For those children who are playing netball on a Monday, you will be able to join in once netball training has finished in five weeks. Please complete the form if you would like your child to join the school choir.

Have a lovely weekend. The sun looks like it will be shining.

I will see you on Monday.

Mrs Gregan