“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.”

What an exciting start we had to our Summer term when we returned to school to find that a mysterious Time Machine had appeared in our Year 1 classroom!
We put our enquiry skills to the test and began hunting for clues. We found dinosaur footprints and after investigating the shape and size of the prints, we realised they didn’t just belong to any old dinosaur, they belonged to a T-Rex!

Year 1 have loved this introduction to their new English topic and there has been a fantastic buzz of excitement and curiosity in our classroom.
We definitely have an exciting term ahead!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths, we have continued to deepen our mathematical understanding by counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We also explored even and odd numbers and discovered some interesting patterns. We met Even Steven and Odd Todd and worked as a team to feed them their favourite numbers!

In RE, we have continued to reflect on the Easter story focusing on the resurrection of Jesus. The children have written some lovely prayers to thank Jesus for His great sacrifice and we have displayed these proudly in our worship corner.



Determined Sadie Spider: Well Done Mia- Grace!
Mia-Grace you have made me so proud with your determined and reflective learning this week. You have thought really carefully about your writing and how can make it even better. You’ve focused on your letter formation and presentation and it’s been wonderful to see how proud you are when you achieve your goal.
Always believe in yourself!

Focused Cooper Crab: Well done Ava!
Ava you have been such a curious Clara Clownfish this week and it has been wonderful to see how much you have enjoyed our new English topic. You asked some really inquisitive questions about the Time Machine and your poster for the missing T-Rex was an excellent idea; hopefully we will find the T-Rex soon!
Keep being a curious learner!


  • This term the children will need to wear their PE kits on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team