The children have settled back into school seamlessly after their Easter break - all ready with purposeful attitudes. We have had a full week of learning, diving straight into our new History theme of the Vikings. We learned about the chronology of Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and gathered ideas about the sort of reputation they have. What ideas spring to mind, when you think of Vikings?
The class then became Saxon spies tasked with scrutinising a Viking boat left moored on the shoreline. These spies did a great job of examining the boat and drawing it. Suddenly, Mrs Lyons managed to capture Sven - a Viking boat builder (AKA Mrs Mather!) After gathering questions for Sven, we interrogated him about the success of these special longships. We have already started researching the Viking way of life and of course have found out so much more about it on our trip.
(Trip update and photos will be posted on Friday night or Saturday)
In English this week, we have planned and started to write our own class story based on the Firework- Maker’s daughter. It is important that children now try to embed all the writing skills taught this year now to become secure. We are also gathering Viking knowledge to write our own non-fiction book next week.
Maths has seen us busy learning all about the language of division - dividends, divisors, quotients and remainders as well as brushing up on our formal methods of multiplication. We are trying hard to become secure in our times tables now too. TTRockstars is really the way to go with this.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, our certificate winners are: Ruby-Lilly and Betsy who both received our Lizzie Ladybird certificates for reflective learners. Both of you asked for advice with your writing and then really acted upon it to do some quality work. I love how deeply you are considering the quality of what you do.
1. Food Technology - I think this will be going ahead on Wednesday but I will send a text out on Monday to let you know which group will do it, after I have spoken to Mrs Curtis.
2. PE day are now on Wednesdays (outside) and Thursdays (inside) Please can I ask that children have shorts for indoor PE and that if they struggle to take earrings out, they do not wear them on these days.
Enjoy a lovely sunny weekend with your little Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Thanks so much for your continued support and for making our trip a success.
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.
All that is left to say is - thank you for your continuing support over the last few weeks. The children are all doing so well.
Have a lovely Easter break everyone.
God bless,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow.