Welcome back.....

A glorious start to the summer term. Everyone has returned to nursery happy (and full of chocolate)! I hope you all have had some lovely family time during the holidays, magical times together that will last forever.

Our learning this term has begun with gusto. You won’t believe what we have achieved in only four days! We have been learning about parts of flowers and the life cycle of a flower. Click here or here to find out more.

We have also started an investigation table where we have started to grow carrot tops, beans and cress. Next week we are going to grow a lawn!!!

Why not have a go at home. All you need is a carrot top, a shallow dish and water. It’s really simple, just put the carrot tops in the dish with the water and pop them in a sunny spot like a window sill. Keep topping up the water. It will take a little while to get going but once your carrot top gets going it will grow quickly. Good luck!

If you catch the veggie growing bug, leeks, spring onions and garlic can easily be grown from leftovers.

Outside in the garden plans are underway to create a potting shed for the children to be able to access garden tools and a growing patch of their own….this is a work in progress, fingers crossed!

Click on the button below to see everything we have planned for this half term!

Key Person blog
All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today – Indian proverb

This week we have been growing, not only our brains but our garden. We have lots of investigations happening at the moment, and we can’t wait to find out if the carrot and parsnip tops will grow.

We have been carefully examining the flowers and plants to find out what they need to grow. We will be bringing some seeds home to continue our investigations at home.

We have also been finding out about the lifecycle of frogs and learnt a new word ‘froglet’. Click here to find out more.

Our fun in the garden has continued as we explored the soft play, building trampolines, castles and trains.

This week we have learnt a new sound “sh” and we were so amazed at how many words the children could think of that begin with this sound.

PE was amazing, the children demonstrated such good control in their balancing and their jumping. They were also fantastic at putting their shoes and socks back on afterwards. We think they have all been practicing at home! We will be continuing to support the children in their independence skills, such as pouring their own drinks, putting on their coats, ready for going into Reception in September.

 Colette, Barbara, Michelle, Justine and Frances

Watch out for home learning sheets coming home too! We would love for you to send the completed work back to nursery or email some photos…we love to see them. Don’t forget to keep checking Purple Mash, there’s always lots of learning happening there!


Created to Love Others

This week we discussed our relationships with others and with God. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love. This will help us to understand friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships and keeping safe.

We have also been learning a new song to help our understanding. It is so beautiful and the children’s voices give such meaning to each word that they sing. The nursery ladies were moved to tears when we sang together on Friday.

Finally, we are hopeful that the fine weather will continue for the weekend and that you can get out and about as a family. We will see you all on Monday for another busy week of learning and fun.
