“If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” – Henry David Thoreau

What a wonderful start we have had to our summer term in Year 3! Our children came into school on Tuesday, bright eyed and ready to go after their Easter break. Miss Brisco sang the children’s praises on Tuesday! They had all shown such brilliant focus, determination and cooperation throughout their first day together, and this only continued as the week went by. The children are really becoming so caring and compassionate towards each other and we could not be prouder of them!

This week we have been introduced to our new class novel, ‘The Iron Man’. Our English lessons have been full of drama as we have become familiar with the main character and our minds have become full of curiosity as to what may happen next. The children worked in groups to perform a poem based on the main character. Again, the children showed such great cooperative skills as they worked together, taking on board each others’ ideas to create a short piece of drama. Well done Year 3!

In math's we have been continuing our learning when bridging through 100. The children have WOWED us with their confidence and ability to explain their reasoning. This skill is so important across so many aspects in maths so seeing their confidence is just wonderful!

Let’s Celebrate!

Theo…You continue to impress us with your wonderful focus during our lessons. This week we have particularly noticed your super focus and determination during maths. You have become so confident when bridging over 100, we could not be more proud of you! Keep going Theo!

Rex… We were blown away with your confidence and enthusiasm during this weeks drama activities Rex! You moved brilliantly as the Iron man because you had listened so carefully to the words of the poet. You have also shown great determination towards each lesson this week, whizzing through your learning… just like Bobby bee would. Well done!


  • Food tech: There will be no food tech next week for Art group 2. A text message has been sent out to those of you who this effects. Food tech will now be as follows: