‘Good players inspire themselves. Great players inspire others.’

This week in Year 1 has been nothing short of wonderful! On Tuesday we had our Sports Day and I could not have been prouder of the children. The enthusiasm, determination and resilience they showed was outstanding… not to mention their amazing sportsmanship! I hope you enjoy looking at the photos below and sharing in the excitement.


What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week, the children have been learning about position and direction. We have been using the language quarter turn, half turn, full turn, left, right, forwards and backwards. A great way to practise this at the weekend would be to give your child positional directions and get them to travel through a maze or retrieve something.

In English, the children were amused to find out that our new class pet is a Steam Train. The children have enjoyed reading with our class train and learning all about different types of trains. The children have been using amazing vocabulary in their sentences, for example, freight, locomotive and powered!

In RE and RHE we have been learning about how compassion motivates many people to act for the good of others and reflected on how we can help one another. The children learned about Saint Mother Theresa and how she helped others, before thinking about their own experiences and how they can help others in the future.




Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: For buzzing with enthusiasm for writing! Grace, you have loved learning about trains this week and have used some fantastic vocabulary in your sentences. It’s been amazing to see you writing with such a big smile and being proud of the creative writing you have done! Not forgetting your beautiful handwriting! Well done Grace!

Focused Cooper Crab: For being a focused and enthusiastic learner. William, this week you have been the most wonderful mini-teacher and have grown all our brains with your incredible train knowledge. You have used every opportunity to share your wisdom and have written fantastic sentences about locomotives too! This is all down to your incredible concentration and love of learning! Well done William! Choo Choo!


  • You may or may not have noticed that Purple Mash now has a brand new look. To help with this and get us all confident with using the new interface before September, Mrs Gregan has created a little help video. This video will also explain all about the new parent portal. You will find this in the ‘How to help your child’ section of this page.

  • From next week a group of the children will no longer be having Read Write Inc. lessons. This is a HUGE achievement and very exciting. This means that they will not be brining home a RWI home book and instead will have 2 Accelerated Reader books. Please note children who are now reading longer chapter books, do not have a designated quizzing day and have the opportunity to quiz whenever they finish their book.

  • Please can all children bring a bottle of water and a sun hat to school everyday.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend in the sunshine (fingers crossed),

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team