‘There is a miracle in every new beginning.’

Our first ‘week’ in Year One, has been short, sweet and truly wonderful! The children have settled in beautifully already and it’s been such a treat getting to know them all properly. They have already wowed me with their kindness and fantastic listening. I had to pinch myself when I saw how good their ‘cutting out skills’ were and I have no doubt they will continue to impress me each day.

It has been so lovely to begin to get to know you all. Thank you for your patience as I match children with parents at the end of the school day. I am still waiting for a few parents to complete the Parental consent form. I’ve put on as many photos as I can this week, avoiding the happy faces I am yet to get consent for. Please can you make sure that this form and the Medical Form are completed as a matter of urgency.

Over the next week I will be assessing the children’s reading, ready to begin their Read Write Inc lessons. As soon as I have completed these assessments, the children will be sent home with reading packets, filled with reading books and word sets to practise at home. Thank you for bearing with me whilst I get this all sorted!

I hope you enjoy a handful of photos, of our Year One learning journey so far.


  • Please can children bring in an ‘big old t-shirt’ for their Art lessons, which is clearly named. Can you also ensure that everything your child brings into school (snack boxes included) are clearly labelled too.

  • PE lessons will begin on Monday, with everyone having Outdoor PE. Opposite is a reminder of when your child has Indoor PE.

  • Please can children not have keyrings on their school bags. The children find them so tempting to play with and touch. Let’s minimise bringing in anything non-essential from home, to be extra covid safe! Thank you!

  • Details of this weeks Home Learning can be found on the Weekly Home Learning page.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing all of the children again on Monday.

God Bless,

Miss Lane and the Year One team