This week, we have finished our first class novel, “Charlotte’s Web.’ Children have got so much from this amazing text - through the eyes of the characters they have learned what friendship is and isn’t. They have experienced fierce loyalty and heroism and followed Wilbur and Fern’s journey as they grew and changed. They have also developed analytical reading skills and written passionate letters of persuasion. We will miss these characters, but never fear! We will be starting a new novel next week and also progressing in our next unit on Fairy Tales
In history this week, we have learned all about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s grave and all the ‘wonderful things’ inside. Children have been intrigued by the mummy’s curse which apparently impacted after the discovery!
In other news, children have been showing off their skills in Coding in computer lessons and learning to calculate multiples of 100 over 1000.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, Teddy received a Cooper Crab certificate for his excellent focus in lessons and completion of tasks. Louis received a Bobby Bee certificate for his enthusiasm towards all learned, especially Charlotte’s Web
Faith-Filled and Hopeful butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Faith-filled and hopeful.’ This week we thank Logan for being helpful and noticing when things need to be done.
Reading targets
Well done to Tilly, Poppy and Amelia who have met their reading targets this half term! FANTASTIC! Everyone else - keep going. Many of you are almost there!
Other stars!
Swimming stars: Rose and Rory, Lily and Teddy. Brilliant strokes and super listening too!
Music stars:
Parish Pantomine - Children are lucky to be going to watch Dick Whittington at the parish centre on Friday 1st December. Please pay for this on parentpay - £6
The Great Our Lady Bake off (and Christmas jumper day)- Friday 8th December
On this day, families can bake a cake for an entry fee of £3. Each class will decide on a winner and there is a prize! We will be inviting parents in this afternoon from 2:00-3:00 for coffee and to sample some of the bakes!
Key Stage 2 Nativity Monday 18th December 2pm and 6pm in Our Lady Star of the Sea church
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons, Miss Hennessey, Mrs Carter and Mrs Grey