We are so proud of all the Year 4 children this week! They have learned a lot about who they are this week and how hard work, passion and effort can help them overcome barriers and achieve greatly. They were absolute stars at the Shakespeare Playmaking Festival at Hodgson High School. They spoke out so clearly and all their hard work paid off in their excellent delivery of their 6 scenes. They were so respectful of other schools when they were rehearsing and were so thankful towards members of staff there. At the end, the Montague and Capulet family are reconciled, teaching all children the power of forgiveness.
A real change of tempo and atmosphere on Thursday night came in their Sacrament of Reconciliation. Now it was their turn to be reconciled with God and others. They showed such reflection and maturity through all sessions and this really showed on Thursday evening. What beautiful voices they all have too!
Also on Thursday, they had their last swimming lesson! Another great achievement - children had a fun week doing relays and playing water polo. Again they are to be commended on their excellent sportsmanship and kindness to each other in these games.
In other news, they have also written their own version of a Brer Rabbit story this week and learned about weathering and erosion in Science. Eagerly, they are practising their assembly for next week.
Conversation starters
As it has been a big week for Year 4, I have asked the children to reflect upon themselves. Now your sins have been forgiven, what does your relationship with God feel like? How have you grown this week? What have you achieved? How have you managed to do all of these great things. How do you overcome nerves? Who are you as a person and how do you want to change and grow next?
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, it is impossible to single any of you out so I have one learning certificate with all the learning characters for the whole class. You have outdone yourselves in so many ways and worked as a great class team. What a class you are becoming! Keep this enthusiasm and resilience up Year 4.
Loving and Compassionate butterflies
This half term, our virtues are ‘Loving and Compassionate.’ This week our butterflies go to Logan for showing such loving care for people and William for being such a respectful, grateful and peaceful person.
Lunchtime role model of the week was: John-Paul
Marvellous Manners in the hall - Louis
Music Stars: Josh and
GOING GREEN! This week, these children have been awarded their going green certificate for having completely green heatmaps - meaning they have mastered their times tables!
Lorenzo and Sean
Well done!
Soil! Please could children bring a small sandwich bag of soil from their garden or nearby park for our Science lesson on Thursday morning.
TUESDAY 26th March Year 4 online Parent appointments.
Tuesday 26th March 9:15am Year 4 class Easter assembly on The Garden of Gethsemane
Thursday 28th March - we break up for Easter at 2pm
Wednesday 10th April 9:10am Children will do another performance of their Romeo and Juliet in our school hall for anyone to come and see.
Enjoy your weekend
Mrs Lyons, , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter