SORRY HOMEWORK BOOKS WERE NOT GIVEN OUT! They will be given on Monday.
For the first half of the year, we will be doing lots of revision of previous spelling and spelling rules, to make sure they are solid. Each week you will have 10 key words and 10 to do with a spelling rule. Please learn all for a spelling test of 10 of these words each Thursday
This week you have key words: my, come, here, there, some, where, up, one, mum, had, all, can
Please complete the Look, cover, say, write, check sheet given out - as you practiced with Miss Hennessey. You do not need to do it 5 times if you know it after 3 times.
Then do the purple mash quiz set in your 2dos.
Also, you have the spelling pattern tch at end of words:
catch, fetch, kitchen, notch, hutch, snatch, match, ditch, hatch, watch
Please go on Purple mash and complete the quiz for these words too.
Assembly parts
Our class assembly is all about Plants! It will take place on Thursday 5th October at 2:10 and 2:35. You are very welcome to come into school to view it.
Please continue you rehearse your part so you know it. We will be practicing lots next week.
Science - Purple Mash
I have set you a Purple Mash 2do about Germination which we have covered in class this week. See if you can explain the process in 5-6 parts and include pictures.