Thinking about our world and those who live in it.

Our Harvest celebrations were held in school this year with liturgies shared which encouraged the children to think of how their own actions could grow the people harvest that Christ imagined. Thank you so much for all your wonderful donations; you are all so kind! The food bank greatly appreciated your kindness, and a special thank you to our lovely three parents who transported the collection for us.

A Recipe Book to Enjoy...

Family Favourites - a recipe or two!

For the last half term, the Year 6 children have been working hard with Mrs Curtis to produce a family recipe book . The children developed the book to be created and sold in the hope of raising more money for Brian House. They have been moved over the year by the trauma many families go through at these difficult times and have been moved to action.  There is a PDF of the book attached here; as an ECO school the children felt that it would not be in the planet’s interest to start printing off lots of copies and therefore they decided that an online version would be best. So they are now asking for a ‘reading donation’. In other words by opening it up and reading you are committing yourself to send in a donation, no matter how small.  If you want to make a donation to Brian House, please send the money in with your child next week. Every penny will make a difference to the life of another. Year 6 and Mrs Curtis would like to say thank you in anticipation of your generosity.

Year 6 Cookbook