Year 1 - Monday 18th May Home Learning Challenges

Good morning Year 1! I hope you had a super weekend. Let’s have a look at today’s learning and your weekly challenges.

What are we learning today?

Weekly challenges 18.5.20.jpg


Follow the link and practise the speedy words.

Green Book Words

Purple Book Words

The children should find these quite easy. The words will be getting trickier each day.


Remember to read everyday, just like we do at school. I would love you to read for at least 20 minutes each day, be that a physical book, an ebook on Epic or Accelerated Reader. If your book has an option to quiz on AR or Epic, please remember to do so.


Children, we’re off to the jungle!

Rumble in the Jungle Read along with your child with the sound on, or mute the sound and read the story out loud to your child. Encourage your child to join in with whichever approach you choose.

Children to choose their favourite animal and try and reread that verse either independently or along with the voice over. Ask your child to put actions to some of the words to help them remember, e.g. big (wide open arms). Ask your child, Why is it your favourite animal in the book? Encourage them to find words or phrases from the text which describe the animal and then complete the prompt orally, e.g. I like the … because …

Write a few sentences on their favourite animal from the book. Encourage your child to use words from the text and the word ‘and’, e.g. I like the gorilla the best because he is big, black and hairy. He is ferocious and scary. He makes me laugh when he wallops his chest.

Check for capital letters at the start of sentences, full stops at the end, the use of ‘and’ and the capital letter for the word ‘I.’


Maths is going to be a little bit different this week…


Have a go at the Sorting Game on Top Marks (sorting one coin and two coins).

Have a wonderful day of learning!

Miss Lane