Reception Home Learning - Monday 18th May

Everyday activities:

1. Phonics: Today I would like you to watch the set 1 and set 2 speed sounds, by clicking on the link:                                                

Set 1 Speed Sounds at 9.30 am and again at 12.30 pm
Set 2 Speed Sounds at 10.00 am and again at 1.00 pm

2. Oxford Owl: Login to Oxford Owl and read your next book. Remember to discuss the story throughout, checking your child’s understanding. Please make a note of any sounds or tricky words that your child struggles with and focus on these throughout the next few days/until they know them.

3. PE: Please see this weeks set of new lessons and activities (click week 3 for this weeks timetable):

Today’s specific activities:

1. Talk for Writing: This week we have another story from Talk for Writing, “The Amazing Adventures of Max”. Max is a dog who needs Reception’s help to complete different reading and writing challenges. I hope you find these fun!

2.  Sum Dog: This weeks activity is a little tricky! I know that you will love the challenge, Can you count more and less within 20? Good luck earning those coins! You are all doing a great job!

3. RE: As we reach the end of the half term, I would like to see what you can remember about the Easter celebration. Please log into your Purple Mash account and complete this weeks 2do. You will find a booklet with five pages; Palm Sunday, the last supper, the crucifixion and the resurrection. Can you draw a picture on each page to show me what you can remember about each part of the Easter story. On the final page I would like you to think about the disciples and the special job that Jesus gave them. Can you draw a picture to show different ways that the disciples have taught us to be followers of Christ?

I hope that you enjoy your day!

Miss Bassett.