Year 1 - Tuesday 30th June Home Learning Challenges

Good morning Year 1!

What are we learning today?

Weekly challenges 29.6.20.jpg


Today I would like you to do the lesson Read and Hold a Sentence (2), by following the link to the YouTube channel above.

Use the links below to continue practising your speedy words and for those who are whizzing through them, can you spell them? Go on, have a go!


Remember to read everyday, just like we do at school. I would love you to read for at least 20 minutes each day, be that a physical book or an ebook on Epic/Accelerated Reader. If your book has an option to quiz on AR or Epic, please remember to do so.


Remind your child of the man the Buzz Lightyear character is named after: Buzz Aldrin. Do they know who he is? (They should remember him from our learning about the first moon landing). Watch the clip of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.

With an adult, discover all about Buzz Aldrin by reading the document below.

question hand.JPG

Using the information they now know, play Ask the Expert again sibling. Write a brief quiz for your family to answer. Consider using a question hand to help you think of question words to start your question with.

Remember to include a question mark at the end of each question. Check for capital letters and question marks. Ensure phonics is used to help with spelling.


Practise your learning about comparing numbers, by having a go at the worksheet below.

Have a brilliant day!

Miss Lane