Year 1 Remote Learning - Thursday 4th March

Good morning Year 1 and welcome to World Book Day! I have got lots of exciting activities for you today.


Digital Library

Click on the book covers to hear the author reading from their book. I can see lots of our favourties on the bookshelves but why don’t you choose a story you might not usually read? You might discover a new author you love!

The Masked Reader

Who is behind the mask? Snuggle up and see if you can guess who the masked reader is. Click on the readers below for the big reveal!

Make your favourite book character

Have a go at bringing your favorite book character to life! You could make them using a wooden spoon, play-doh or you could even turn yourself into them! Click on the BFG to see some examples and please share your creations with us by emailing your photos to

We can’t wait to see them!

Book Scavenger Hunt

You will need lots of books for this activity! Find each of the things on the list below in the books you have. Use the table to record the book you found it in, the page number and whether it was a picture or a word or both! Click on the picture to load the scavenger hunt. Good luck!

Have a brilliant day year 1!

Miss Lane