“The best thing about teamwork is that you always have someone by your side.”

Sports Day 2022!

This week saw the return of Sports Day and my goodness did we have a fantastic day full of smiles, energy, teamwork and determination.

Year 1 were really looking forward to it and I know they were especially excited about sharing this wonderful day with families and grown ups. We were so proud of them and I am sure you will all agree that they were all excellent role models for Our Lady Star of the Sea! Thank you so much for joining us and making the day so special.

We have another exciting event coming up next week, please continue reading this week’s blog to find out more!

Sports Day 2022 Highlights!

Gym Jam Jog!

Next week Friday 24th is our ANNUAL GYM JAM JOG (sadly postponed since 2019!)
Below are the details for all joggers, old and new:

  • The children are invited to come to school in their PYJAMAS and bring a cuddly teddy.

  • We arrive super early!!! The gates will open at 8 O'clock.

  • The children are then invited to run with their friends or their grown up (pyjamas not essential).

  • It is important that you count the laps.

This is a sponsored event.
There has been much debate at school council level about what the children would like in their playground and they want a castle!!!!
A place where imaginations can run wild! Needless to say, we need money for the build - we know as a community we can do this!

  •  Use the sponsor form sent home this weekend to ask family and friends to sponsor you for each lap or to donate on the promise that you will jog your heart out!!!

  • We will jog right up until school starts when we will say goodbye to parents and jog into class - ready for breakfast!


We can't wait to share another event with the whole school family together! 
Thank you!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths, we have been continued to explore numbers to 100. We have been counting them by putting them into groups of ten and this time we have gone even deeper by looking at by counting the groups of ten and looking at how many ones were left in order to find out the total amount. We have been talking about the importance of place value and how this can help us to write the total amount correctly.

In English, we have been vocabulary detectives. We discovered hidden clues in our outdoor class room; we read the words, thought about what they might mean and found out that the connection between all of these words was ‘trains’. Because we just love growing our brains in Year 1, we used these words to think of and write our own sentences independently!



Enthusiastic Bobby Bee: Emilia!
Emilia, you are so enthusiastic about learning and I can see just how much you enjoy growing your brain every single day. You are always ready for a challenge, you are never afraid to set yourself a goal and I am so proud of how you try your best in everything that you do. Thank you for being such a fantastic role model in our class and for our school!
Well done Emilia!

Determined Sadie Spider: Hugo!
Hugo, everyday you come to school with a big smile and lots of excitement for the day ahead. You have such a positive attitude towards our learning and you have continued to blow us away with your beautiful handwriting. You have been so determined, not just to practise your cursive handwriting, but to use it in all of your work! You take such care and pride in everything that you do and we are really proud of you.
Well done Hugo!


  • This term the children will need to wear their PE kits on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team