‘If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.’

Time is flying in Year 1 but we have had another fabulous week growing our brains! This week we have focused on being reflective Lizzie Ladybirds and we have taken the time to reflect on our work, how much we have achieved over the year and how we can build on that even more during our final few weeks in Year 1.

As always, the children have continued to amaze me with their positive attitudes and determination. It is wonderful to see all of their hard work over the year coming together and we are so proud of how much they have achieved!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths, this week we dived deeper into place value and really strengthened our understanding of tens, ones and how we can use this to compare numbers. We have used symbols to compare numbers to 100 and to give us an extra challenge the numbers have been represented in different ways such as numerals, written words, dienes and other manipulatives. We have used the hundred square to help us identify numbers that are greater than or less than a given number and we noticed some patterns when we saw where these numbers were on the hundred square. In order to strengthen our reasoning skills we were also challenged to use our understanding of place value to explain how we know a number is greater than or less than.

In English, after a successful train catching mission last week we have now chosen a name for our new pet train. In order to introduce our pet train to the rest of the class we wrote some very descriptive sentences which we shared proudly with each other. We have pet trains that are ‘faster than lightening’, ‘as strong as steel’, trains that ‘go past in the blink of an eye’, trains that ‘are always on time’ and some trains that are ‘too shy and go the wrong way’! Following this we received a very exciting letter from the train conductor informing us that he was looking for a new train for his shop. We got busy with some persuasive writing to convince the conductor that he should pick our train. The children have got a special homework activity to complete this weekend ready for Monday’s lesson; they are very excited to tell you all about it!

In RE, we have been thinking about the word compassion. The children had a wonderful whole class discussion in which they reflected on their understanding of compassion explaining that it is something that be can show and that ‘we should try to be compassionate to everyone’. We then thought about the great love that Jesus has for us and how he shows compassion by helping those are sick.

In Computing, we have begun creating our own e-books. The children are such creative writers and have particularly enjoyed combing this with their computing skills. So far, they have planned and created the main character in their story and have begun turning this into an e-book. We will continue with this over the next few weeks, adding different elements such as animation and sound.



Focused Cooper Crab: Alana
Alana, you have been a focused Cooper Crab this week and we have been really impressed with your writing. Not only have your creative ideas blown us away, but you have listened carefully to the sounds in words and have used your beautiful cursive writing. You so focused on growing your brain and getting ready for Year 2! Well done Alana!

Reflective Lizzie Ladybird: Rodnie
Rodnie, this week you have been a reflective Lizzie Ladybird by taking the time to reflect on your writing so you can see just how much you have achieved in Year 1. What’s even more amazing, is that you have set yourself the challenge to keep improving by using your cursive writing in all of your work.
Well done Rodnie!


  • This term the children will need to wear their PE kits on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team