1.7.22 ‘Leave something good in everyday.’ - Dolly Parton

If you’re happy and you know it…!

I think this video sums our week in Reception beautifully. I’m going to let the pictures do the talking but our highlights this week have included…

On Monday we enjoyed sharing lots of exciting weekend news with our groups.

On Tuesday we did some floating and sinking experiments and learnt a new game ‘Captain’s coming’.

On Wednesday we went to Church for the first time as a whole school, thank you for all our volunteer walkers. We also learnt all about Jesus’ disciple Peter and the important news he was sharing after Jesus went to heaven.

On Thursday we were thinking about the primary colours, mixing them on our hands to make new colours, we created pictures in our house teams. We also did some amazing pictures and writing in RE about our trip to Church.

On Friday we got into singing to our plants to help them grow. Our sunflowers and beans are amazing, have a look if you walk past our garden. We weeded and then planted some colourful plants to create a dinosaur small world . Finally we finished off our Friday with Wimbledon fever! Watching Heather Watson win this afternoon inspired us to play some balloon tennis after a nail biting few doubles games. The Blue and Yellow teams shared the win, both gaining 47 points.

What a week…I don’t know how we have fit it all in!

Let’s Celebrate

Heidi is a Determined Sadie Spider - For being so determined to use all the skills you have learnt during Read Write Inc to write brilliant sentences. We are so impressed that you have taken your time to sound out each word and even when you find something tricky at first, you ‘try try try’ again. Well done Heidi!

Jude is a Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For spreading your enthusiasm wonderfully around the class this week! Every morning you have come in with a big smile on your face and a tale to tell. We are so impressed with your positivity towards all our learning this week, especially your thoughtful answers in RE. Well done Jude!

Important Notices

PE kits - Next week the children will need to wear their PE kits on Wednesday (6th) and Thursday (7th). As always, please ensure everything is labelled, and the pen hasn’t washed off!

St Anne’s Library - During assembly this morning, Scott from St Anne’s library joined us to celebrate children who had read over 50 books and had completed their reading trail. He invited the children to visit the library this Saturday - there is a special PLANET SAVERS event on (see button for info) There are different challenges taking place over the summer holidays, make sure you go and visit!

Enjoy the weekend,

The Reception Team