“Let’s ‘root’ for each other and watch each other grow!”

I can’t quite believe how quick this week has gone and that the final few days of Year 1 are almost here!

We have had another busy week full of learning, laughter and celebration as the children have been reflecting on their year and have recognised just how much they have achieved. They are really excited to share this with you next week when they bring home their books.

Here are some highlights from our week:

A Special Visitor!

To support the children’s transition into year 2, Miss Woodend came into our class this week and spent some time getting to know the children; she already knew lots of names! She told them all about the exciting things they will do in Year 2 and answered lots of their questions. Miss Woodend also joined us for our English lesson and was blown away by all of their fantastic handwriting and their creative ideas. She was so impressed with their focus, positive attitudes and their genuine excitement for the next challenges that lie ahead.

Both Miss Woodend and the class are very excited for September!

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths, we have introduced money and have been exploring different coins and notes. We talked about similarities and differences between the coins and the many ways we could sort them into groups. We then discussed the value and ordered them from least to greatest value. We also built on our understanding of place value and used this to help us compare the coins and notes using symbols such as greater than, less than and equal to.

In English, we have been busy innovating our train story using our pet train as the main character. The children have blown us away with their creative ideas and their extensive vocabulary. It really is a wonderful reflection of just how much they have grown throughout the year. I know they are very excited to share their stories with you when their books come home on Monday!

In History, we have concluded our topic on The Great Fire of London by reflecting on everything we have learnt and have used this to rebuild London. After many collaborative discussions, we decided that the houses needed to be made of a different material. Wood was too flammable so brick was the popular solution. We also thought their should be more space between the houses so the fire would not spread as quickly. An important change was to provide fire fighters with better equipment that would help them put the fire out quickly and safely.

Well done Harcourt!

Congratulations to Harcourt who have collected the most House Points this half term. As a celebration , they can wear their own clothes and house colour (blue) on Wednesday 10th July.



Kiki Creative Chameleon: Liam
Liam you have such a creative imagination when you are writing and you come up with the most thrilling twists and turns in your stories! I always look forward to reading them and I know your grown ups will enjoy reading your work too.
Well done Liam!

Kiki Creative Chameleon: Ava
Ava, this term your creative writing has blown us away and we have loved reading your story about Dinia the train! You have challenged yourself to use new vocabulary and interesting adjectives that will make your stories even more exciting. Thank you for sharing your creative stories with us; I know your grown ups will be excited to read them too!
Well done Ava!


  • The children will bring their work books home on Monday 18th July. If they have not brought a bag in already, please could they bring one in on Monday morning.

  • As always, if you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to email me s.hartley@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

    Have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs Hartley and the Year 1 Team