
What can I say - the only word I can think of is - supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!!! I cannot thank the children enough for their resilience and enthusiasm this week. To still be at school at 9pm and be ready to learn the next day is simply heroic!!!

One of the family was missing from the play!!! He was in his own performance down on the stage in Stratford at the RSC theatre. Mason represented our school at the Shakespeare festival (all the RSC associate schools coming together to put on a play). Mason played the friar in Much A Do About Nothing!! A massive thank to Mrs Moore for getting Mason to and from rehearsals during the day and accompanying him on the trip with the other children from Blackpool. She tells me the performances were stunning and a really treat. Well done Mason!

Let’s Celebrate:

This week our growth mindset certificates went to: Mason and John Joseph

Our compassionate certificate went to: Thomas

WEATHER; the weather will be extreme on Monday and Tuesday. Please wear shorts and t-shirts, be fully sun creamed and please do not forget your water bottle and sun hats.

Books are coming home on Monday- Mrs Nel has supplied us with suitable carrier bags so no worries there. The bags will be heavy so cycling and scooting may be tricky.

Reading books - We have now started to collect reading books so that we can get them back in our school library ready for the new year. This means that once the children have quizzed on their book, they will not receive a new one. Please do keep reading novels at home throughout the holidays in preparation for Year 6. Please could you also have a really good check for any outstanding reading books at home, even if you’ve had them for a long time; we’d love for them to be back in our library.

Well done Harcourt for being awarded the most learning points this term. You can come to school wearing your house colour/non uniform on the last day of term Wednesday 20th July.

School closes for the summer holidays at 2pm on Wednesday 20th July for those in Marsden and Harcourt and 2:10pm for those in Bamber and Plessington.

Miss Hornby’s Mass - Monday at 6:30pm in church, then at the Parish Centre afterwards. You are all so welcome to celebrate our amazing headteacher.

Thank you so much for all your support

Have a lovely hot