Year 1 Homework 18.3.22

Spellings on Purple Mash

The children’s spellings this week have been set for them to practise on Purple Mash. The children will be quizzed (on paper) on five of the spellings below on Thursday, plus a bonus spelling from the previous week.

high night bright light right dear hear beard near year


Hello budding scientists! Please check your Purple Mash for this week’s homework. Your challenge is to match the name of the flower with the correct picture. This week we went on a plant hunt around the school grounds to see what plants we could find, I wonder what different plants you will see during the weekend?

Maths IXL

D.1Identify numbers - up to 20

D.2Count to 20

D.3Count on ten frames - up to 20

D.4Show numbers on ten frames - up to 20

D.5Represent numbers - up to 20

Purple Mash and IXL logins can be found in the back of your child’s reading log.