After a week of quietness and absence, our class family has slowly and surely regenerated. Thankfully, we are all now back in class and back to full health. It has made us all realise just how important our time together is and when people are missing, it affects us all. Thank to you all for being so careful and for following guidance. You have kept us all as safe as you possibly could.
Turning to the Cross
Happiness filled my heart on Wednesday when we started to practise for our Easter Assembly. It has been so long since we were able to perform as a class for an audience; be prepared to be amazed! The children all have their first set of lines to learn. Please support them with this, there will be more coming their way next week.
In this week’s gospel, we heard the story of the Transfiguration. This tied beautifully into our RE unit of work on Jesus the Messiah. The children were asked to write down questions about their faith before looking at the reasons why Jesus was hated so much and died in the way he did. The Transfiguration showed us that we must listen to and follow what Jesus tells us. I have challenged the children to think about how they too can transform this Lent. On Thursday we walked down to church to celebrate mass with Fr Peter.
If you haven’t yet sponsored your child for all of the walking that they are currently doing, please do visit Parent Pay to show them your support. So far, as a school community, we have raised £486 for CAFOD.
“Schools inhibit the natural curiosity, creativity and intelligence of children.”
I love it when a novel brings lots of concepts together, especially concepts and knowledge that we are familiar with in class. This week, we learned that Mina is home-schooled in Skellig which prompted the discussion and debate about whether home-schooling is the best form of education for children. Due to the recent events of the pandemic, the children are more than experts in this field. Once we had discussed the difference between what home-schooling and home-schooling during a pandemic would look like, she children were fired up to debate! They came up with some really valid points for both sides of the argument - they clearly love a good debate and the opportunity to challenge each other’s opinions.
In maths we are continuing to cover all of the areas that are of priority for the Year 6 curriculum. This week we started work on angles (one of my favourites). It was a welcome break from all of the number work we have been completing lately. Loving the protractor is essential. Some of the children even gave their protractors a name.
Physical geography and the use of maps was our geography focus this week. Map work is such a key skill that we have to expose the children to. We looked at different maps of the UK and discussed whether we would find more or less evidence of physical geography there.
After a few groans and grimaces, the lesson on microorganisms proved to be a hit! We spent a large part of the lesson thinking about the places that we thought grew the most microorganisms. I feel an investigation coming on next week!
We will be completing our next formal set of papers next week which will give the children an indication of the progress that they have made. Homework is live and has some links to support revision - please do visit it.
Monday - Reading
Tuesday - GPS
Wednesday - Maths
Thursday - Maths
This is an example of our yeast investigation next week. Please can you collect as many types of these bottles as you can in the next week and bring in for Thursday.
The more the merrier so that we can do a comparison of investigations.
Leading Learners
Well done to our two enthusiastic learners this week.
Bella and Emma
Bella is incredibly creative and has really thought about how she is presenting the information that she is recording. She takes pride in her work and shows exactly what she can do each and every lesson.
Emma is a co-operative Roger Robin! Nothing is ever too much trouble for her and she seeks opportunities to help others. She is a true leader - leading with compassion and service.
Dates for your diary
Friday 8th April - Year 6 Easter Assembly. There will be 2 spaces per family in the hall. I will send out a form nearer the time to gather numbers.
Have a lovely weekend.
The sun is most definitely shining - time to get out into the fresh air!
Mrs Gregan