The highlight of our week this week was preparing for and celebrating in Father Peter’s 50th anniversary as a priest! The children had so many ideas about what we could do for him! They thought he was like a good shepherd, he guides us like a lighthouse and he is named after St Peter, on whose rock our church was built. In the end, we decided to make him a lighthouse and thank him for guiding us. We went to mass on Thursday and sung all of his favourite hymns. It was a lovely celebration of such an inspirational human being.
In RE, children have learned about how the Holy Spirit gives us gifts and fills us with the courage to use them. Those such as self-control, kindness, compassion and forgiveness. They are reflecting on which fruits they could develop more in themselves.
This week, in English we have written our Dragon Slayer stories. We have also been working on our reading comprehension - being able to read and answer questions about texts we have read. We have also read a beautiful non-fiction book about Vikings in small groups to find out more.
In French we learned compass points in French and then did a French weather report in each area of France
In maths, we are whizzing through fractions at a phenomenal rate. We have revised unit fractions this week and made sure we understand what the numerator and denominator in a fraction represent.
In history this week, we have examined evidence that gives a rounder picture of the Vikings and shows them to be an interesting race of people. Children can you explain why to your parents? (See below)
Conversation starters
This week we have discussed the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Can you tell your parents about some of them? Which do you need to work on?
Vikings - we have learned more about them this week and got a more rounded view. What did we find out that paints them in a better light?
Let’s Celebrate!
We are really starting to improve as a class at being ready to learn, listening carefully and allowing others to focus around us when working.
Charlotte received a Lizzy Ladybird certificate this week. You strive so hard to improve and you are really reflecting upon yourself - well done!
Hudson also received a Lizzie Ladybird certificate. We can see you reflecting deeply Hudson and making wise choices. You are trying so hard to improve your schoolwork and you are thinking/participating well in maths. Well done Hudson!
Learned and Wise butterflies
This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are learned in their actions, finding God in all things. Those who are wise, who use their learning for the common good. These are children who are trying to drive their own learning forward. This week we have two butterflies. They go to Rory and Rose for being role models who guide others in how to learn well and be kind. You are so hardworking, wise and learned.
Lunchtime role model: William
Marvellous Lunchtime manners: Tilly
PE stars Sean and Teddy for some super triple-jumping! You learned the technique really well!
Music Stars: Matilda and Grace
French Stars: Lorenzo, Matilda and Charlotte
GOING GREEN! This week, these children have been awarded their going green certificate for having completely green heatmaps - meaning they have mastered their times tables!
Amelia and Seth.
You have worked so hard for this!
Holy Communion session 2 Thursday next week. Please bring booklets completed up to page stated in letter.
May is ‘Walk to School’ month. Why not try to walk, scoot, bike to school - if not all the way then part of the way. Get out in the lovely sunshine. We are still having serious issues with parking on double yellow lines outside school - I know our school council are discussing how we can proceed forward. They have plans!
PE days, Wednesday and Thursday
Date for diary: Tuesday 18th June Our Anglo Saxon/Viking trip to Tatton Park. Children need to come dressed as either an Anglo-Saxon or a Viking on this day. More information will be given nearer the time.
Multiplication check
This will take place formally at the end of June. Please keep working on preparing your child for this - little and often is best.
Do I dare say Spring IS finally here? Have a lovely sunny weekend.
Mrs Lyons , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter