This week...

Such an exciting week, our seeds have started to germinate!! The children couldn’t believe their eyes. The nursery garden will look so beautiful this year.

As we have had lots of sunshine this week we have spent most of time outside tending the garden and getting our new house decorated and ready to use. The new flooring went down on Tuesday and it looks fantastic. We have new curtains and fairy lights along with some rare pictures hanging on the wall. Come and have a look on our drop in session.

Drop in session

This terms parent ‘drop in’ session is being held on Tuesday 14th May from 3.45- 4.45 pm. This is an ideal opportunity to pop in to see all our wonderful learning and have a chat with the nursery team. No appointment necessary.

Sports Day

Foundation Sports Day is being held on Tuesday 18th June at 2.00pm. All children are invited to attend this event but must be in nursery no later than 1.45 pm wearing shorts and trainers. As in previous years each child will be designing their own t-shirt. We therefore ask if everyone can bring in a. s. a. p. as named, plain white t-shirt. We have to start early to ensure that we get them all finished in time!!

We have been practising our fundamental movement skills and team games with Mr. Nay and Mr. Murray and we are getting better and better.

Getting ready for school

Click here to find out more about the skills your child will need to be school ready.

Click here for What to Expect When. This is a really useful document.

We have also been on a ‘mission’ with ‘Super Croccy’. The Big Bad Wolf was busy blowing things down and we had to catch him! We listened to the Amazing Super Hero song and decided which special super powers we may need! Click here to sing along at home, maybe you could go a secret mission too!

Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog.

We have all had a lovely but busy week at nursery, planting more wild flowers and plants to eat. We have planted peas, beans, different herbs and also raspberry plants. We are hoping we get lots of lovely fruit and vegetables to eat.

We were very excited this week as our new house outside has had new flooring put down and we can now use it. We had a grand opening this week. It looks really fantastic, just like a real house.

We met another number this week, number nine. We worked really hard to think of different ways to make number nine. We watched numberblock number nine and it helped us to remember that nine can be made from three plus three plus three. We also practised writing number nine ‘loop and then a downward line, that’s the way to make a 9’.

In PE we have concentrated on practising our Fundamental Movement Skills, ready for Sports Day. We are getting very good at throwing, running, jumping and hopping.

We were very excited when Emma showed us the wormery and we could see that the worms had wriggled and writhed in the sand and soil. We then enjoyed an activity where we had to rescue Superworm from the Wizard Lizard and his crow. This was tricky as we couldn’t use our hands, we could only use clothes pegs. It was lots of fun, but it also turns out that using clothes pegs is a good way to exercise those muscles in our hands that we need to be wonderful writers. Here are some activities to try at home. Click here.

The weather has been great this week so we have enjoyed our time in the garden, where there were lots of superheroes. We practised our superhero jumps and runs, and of course, rescued lots of our friends who were in tricky situations. We spoke about our superpowers; everyone has their own superpower. We are all superheroes! What’s your superpower?

Have a lovely weekend everyone


Emma’s blog

Hello everyone 

We have had a very busy and exciting week.

Firsty, some of our seeds have germinated inside and outside. We have carrot, lettuce and sunflower seedlings and now we just need lots of sun to help with the rest.

Something exciting has happened to the wormery as all of the food has gone, and there is more compost than before. The children have been helping by giving the worms some more food, and you could see that the worms have started to pull down some of the new leaves. We are very excited about the changes. 

We have been brain growing, looking at the cycle of a seed from an apple using a chain to link the cycle together. The children worked out in order of events and we all agreed that, we eat the apple, we find and plant the seed. The sun and water help it to grow. We then eat the apple and give the core to the worms for them to turn it into compost. The whole process then starts again. 

To continue our thread, learning about planting, we have been busy making spring flowers out of dough by following Dough Disco. It's a little bit tricky, but the children all did fantastic in having a go. Here is the link to practice at home, click here. Enjoy!

We became scientists this week and we wondered what would happen if we put food colouring in the water of some flowers. We used red, blue, and yellow food colouring, and the children worked out that as the flowers would drink the water, they would charge colour. And guess what, they did! We couldn't believe it. I'm sure the children will tell you all about what's happened. Click here.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone. 

 See you all on Monday 


Meet number 9!

We met number 9 this week and the children were excited to meet another new number.

Saying the counting numbers to 9

We recognised the cardinal principle of counting that the last number counted represents the entire set of the objects counted.

Partitioning and combining to 9

We noticed that nine if formed by combining one and eight and then partitioned again.

9 and 4 are square numbers

Although the children are not formally introduced to square numbers until much later, number 9 provides us with an opportunity to look at both the structure of squares with 4 equal sides and 4 corners, and square numbers make a shape with the same number of blocks down as across. Identifying pattern and seeing structure in number is important to early maths development.

Complicated stuff don’t you think!

Click here to watch the episode.

Wow, such a busy week!! A well earned rest is deserved.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Stay safe and God Bless
