I am sure you will agree this is exactly what Year 4 did in our annual Sport’s Day on Wednesday. We were really pleased with the level of energy and support that they gave each other. Mr Nay commented on the positive vibe that they created amongst one another. Well done Year 4! As part of our health and happiness fortnight, children also had yoga the next day. It is a credit to them that they could turn the pure energy of the day before into stillness and calm for this session.
In English this week, we have reached the end of our novel and children have been showing me how much progress they have made with amazing descriptions of the fire-fiend and they created their own firework displays. Such imaginative work. Children can see what good writers they have become!
Maths - we have finally taken our Multiplication check. Children did really well - the results are due in a few weeks. Keep those times tables ticking over on TTrockstars until Year 5 so they don’t get rusty. We have also been doing some really tricky fractions work this week - converting from improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa.
In other news, we have started a new topic all about food in French and in Geography have started to explore jobs and why they are important.
Conversation starters
Our new geography topic is Earning a Living. What different jobs do people in your family do - and your wider family? Do they enjoy them? Why do people work?
Also this week, we had a special worship all about having faith led by these three children. They talked about belief and what it meant to have a strong faith.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week a focused Cooper Crab/Determined Sadie Spider certificate goes to Lorenzo. You have given 100% to everything and have strived to understand. Your writing has been fantastic!
A Kiki Chameleon/Lizzie Ladybird certificate for creativity and reflection goes to Ciaran. What a super learner you have become. Your writing was so creative and you worked hard to improve it too.
Grateful and Generous butterflies
This week our butterflies go to Tommy and Beth for always being generous to others.
Lunchtime role model: Isioma
Marvellous Lunchtime manners: Josh
PE stars The whole class for excellent energy, participation and supporting one another in Sport’s Day.
Music Stars Charlotte and Sean- so focused and beautiful playing!
GOING GREEN - Keep going to those children that are nearly there!
Monday 17th June Jim Jam Jog-Please come for 8:00am on Monday. Wear pyjamas and bring a teddy bear (no enormous ones!) Please bring your sponsorship money on the day too.
Tuesday 18th June Our Anglo Saxon/Viking trip to Tatton Park. Children need to be at school for 8:20am. We are hoping to be back for normal pick up time but this will depend on traffic. A text message will be sent if we will be late.
Wednesday 3rd July Our Geography topic is about jobs and careers. We would love to invite you in to talk to the children in small groups about your job. It will be from 2:00-3:00 in the school hall. We need about 5 volunteers - so if you feel you would like to do this, please fill in the online form below:
Thursday 4th July The class are visiting St. Bedes for a prayer day. This is always a beautiful event. Normal drop off and pick up times.
Monday 8th July Storytellers festival at the Grand theatre. Children are going to experience a storytelling session led by members of the Grand theatre. More details nearer the time.
Flute concert Wednesday 10th July. 2:00pm at school. Children would love to perform pieces on their flute for your enjoyment!
There is a lot going on - all very exciting. Have a lovely weekend and check out the new optional homework for this half term.
Mrs Lyons , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter