This week...

Welcome back to our final half term of the year!

Everyone was eager to get back to nursery and to see their friends and to see what we will be learning this half term.

Click on the button below to find out!

This half term is always very busy so keep a look out for texts and remember to read the blog weekly. We would not like you to miss anything.

Our learning thread ‘all about mini beasts’ kicked off this week by everyone sharing what they already knew. We then watched this short video which asked ‘What is a mini beast?’ Click here to watch at home. Maybe you could go on a mini beast hunt in your garden or at the park?


This week we have discussing ‘growth’ and what small things we can be doing in our lives that have the potential to grow and spread; what can we do more of in nursery?

In the Gospel Jesus tells us the parable of the seed that grows and the parable of the mustard seeb. The readings focus on faith, growth andhumility. The messages show God’s power to nurture and transform lives, encouraging us to trust and follow him.

Number 10

Click here to watch

This episode introduces a big idea that is fundamental to understanding our base 10 system. Ten is both ten ones and also one ten. This introduces the concept of unitising. Ten is both ten ones an done unit of ten. Young children need lots of experience of exchanging ten ones for one ten and recognising their equivalence( they have the same value). Notice the gridlines marking ten sometimes disappear, to mark the fact that she is one ten and plays a special role in other numbers that follow, e.g. 11 is one ten and one more. Wow, who knew we were learning all that!

Sports Day

Mr Cornwell has been busy planning this year’s Sports Days. This morning, for the first time in a long time, we have had a track painted on the school field. Practise is well and truly underway! Please make a note of this year’s Sports Day time and date.

Our hymn of the week is ‘This little light of mine’. Click here to sing and watch at home.

Tuesday 18th June at 1.30pm - Nursery & Reception Sports Day

As with the good old British weather, we cannot rely too much on forecasts. It is looking dry and bright this week; hopefully we will be able to get this week’s event completed. The children are always the priority and we want to ensure that they enjoy the events. If there has been rain or it is forecast, we will look at how safe the ground is for them to compete. If we need to postpone the event because of the weather, we will do so at 11am. This will give all parents the chance to rearrange work or to make plans. It has been deliberate to put the events in quickly when we have returned, just incase there was any rearranged ones needing to take place.

Just a reminder that we are collecting for The Manchester Children’s Hospital in honour of our Dominic. Please bring change with you for our collection buckets!

Emma’s blog

Hello everyone, and welcome back. I hope you all had a wonderful two weeks off.

The children have got right back into their learning and have been having lots of fun with their friends. 

We have been very busy practicing our sporting activities in preparation for sports day; throwing bean bags in the hoop, relay races and much more. The children have worked so hard with listening and understanding the rules of each of the games. It’s going to be very exciting for the children on the day.

We have started a new topic this term; we will be learning about mini beasts. The children are very excited as they already love looking for different mini beasts in the garden. We have started to look at the life cycle of butterflies and frogs. On Wednesday our baby caterpillars arrived. We have to nurture and look after them so they grow in to butterflies. We are so excited to see this happen. I'll keep you all posted. 

Keeping with this thread of learning, we have been looking at how butterflies have symmetrical wings in terms of colour, shapes and patterns. I drew a large butterfly and the children had to work out if my butterfly was symmetrical on both side of the wings. We used pom poms and coloured shaped gems and the children found it a bit tricky as my butterfly wasn't quite right, but working as a team we worked it out.

We also met number 10 this week. The children were over joyed as they have been looking forward to meeting this number. 

We worked out as a group how many 1's were in 10, and that we had 10 fingers and toes. 

Here is a ladybird counting, matching and ordering game. Have fun. Click here.

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday. I wonder how big our caterpillars will have grown?


Michelle’s blog

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s blog.

What a busy first week back we have had! I hope you all had a nice rest over half term as we are going to be busier than ever for the last half term of the school year.

We were very lucky this week to have had a visit from a lovely fluffy puppy, as one of our friends brought in their puppy to show us. We had lots of questions, like what does she eat, why do dogs chase cats and why does she have paws and not hands. We were so excited that we got to give her a stroke. She was so good, I think she really liked it at nursery. We hope she can come back and see us again.

We did have a challenge this week that our Year 6 friends had to help us with. Barbara brought back a kite from her travels and we tried really hard to get it to fly. Turns out it is really tricky to fly a kite but we did get it off the ground a little bit. We hope to keep practising until we are experts.

We also met Numberblock number 10 this week and have been trying to think of lots of different ways to make 10. Watch here.

We have really grown our brains as we work out how many ones are in bigger and bigger numbers, we even got to one billion!

We have started a new topic this half term – we will be learning all about mini beasts and have started by discussing what we know already about different minibeasts. We loved the butterflies and loved the fact that the wings are the same pattern on each side. We painted our own butterflies, making sure they were symmetrical. We then explored symmetry further with the loose parts in the garden.

We have also found time to practise for sports day which is next week, hope to see you all there.

Have a lovely weekend


Jim Jam Jog

Don’t forget to join us for the Jim Jam Jog on Monday at 8.00am! Every Summer, 240 children, staff and parents come dressed in their pjs ready to run as many times around the school field as possible. The funds raised always go towards the development of the school; this year that is our outside area and break time equipment.

In addition, this year we wanted to help another cause. It is very important that our children are aware of their community and causes that are close to them and us. There have been a number of significant events that have really made us stop this year and reflect. We hope that this summer, we can raise money for them both.

On 15th September 2023, we lost a very dear former pupil of ours, Harrison Bretheron. In a couple of week’s time, the family and friends of Harrison will be running his 22nd mile. Harrison never made it to 22 years of age; this is their tribute to him. All money raised from the run will be donated between Alder Hey Children’s Hospital and The Firefighter’s Charity; both of which have supported many of our current and former families. So far, they have raised over £15,000 - it is remarkable. We want to do our bit as well. Please support this event as much as you can - get your pjs ready!

We will be hosting a second charity towards the end of the year which our Year 5 children will tell us all about in a few week’s time.

Finally, have a fabulous weekend and I will see you all bright and early on Monday morning.

God Bless
