When we look back at everything we have done this week - it is a lot! It has been a busy week but children have really risen to the challenge. In our RE lessons this week, children have been thinking about what the church believes by analysing ‘The Creed’ a prayer announcing our faith. This is on a new topic all about the church.
This week, we have launched our new topic in English which is reading all about Viking myths. We first learned about the Norse Cosmos - the nine worlds that the Vikings believed existed. Children then created these worlds in groups and did some beautiful writing based on this. Check out some of our lovely writing walls of previous work displayed in the pictures below and also our lovely banner which we have made to take to St. Bedes next week.
In other news, we have learned about reflection in our Science lessons. We have learned about the repeat command in computing and had some great PE lessons where we have been practising our catching and aiming skills ready for rounders style games. Maths focus has been shapes and symmetry. We have also completed some nd of year quizzes.
Conversation starters
What causes shadows? Can you make any? Try inside and outside. Talk about it with your adults.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week we have 3 certificates - I couldn’t just choose two! A Cooper Crab certificate goes to John-Paul for an excellent level of concentration. Isioma and Seth received a Lizzie Ladybird certificte for really striving to improve their handwriting. Well done children!
Grateful and Generous butterflies
This week our butterfly goes to Finley for always being such a grateful and generous member of our class.
Lunchtime role model: Lily
Marvellous Lunchtime manners: Grace
PE stars Charlotte, Poppy and Rory for improvements in gameplay and for being co-operative
Music Stars
GOING GREEN - Keep going to those children that are nearly there! It would be lovely if we get there by the end of Year 4!
Wednesday 3rd July We are very excited to have 6 parents coming in to talk to us about their jobs. Please arrive at 2:00. If you would like to bring something to show the children about your job that would be great! We have prepared some questions for you.
Thursday 4th July St Bedes Day. Please fill in the double lunch form to indicate if your child needs a packed lunch from school. It is full school uniform on this day (not PE)
Monday 8th July - The Grand storytellers festival. Please fill in the lunch form to indicate if your child wants a lunch prepared by Jackie.
Remember you can request tickets below. The event for parents is at 1:45pm
Flute concert Wednesday 10th July. 2:00pm at school. Children would love to perform pieces on their flute for your enjoyment!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Lyons , Mrs Ely, Miss Hennessey and Mrs Carter