Year 2 Blog Friday 28th June " I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people" Maya Angelou

Each week we have a word which underpins our prayer. This week it was Global -thinking about everyone, serving everyone, putting others before ourselves. This coincided beautifully with our history/geography lessons on “The Mexico Disaster”. The children were gripped by the story of these heroic men who were willing to face incredible danger in the believe they really could make a difference. This is part of our own, truly fascinating, local history. The children have had the opportunity to retell the story using their interactive tools on Purple Mash. Then off we went on Thursday to visit the memorial - which was very poignant. We read the names of those men from St. Annes who perished and we offered prayers. We went onto the Life Boat station were Chris (volunteer) met us to give us a tour and talk. The children listened beautifully. We are able to talk at length about how to stay save at the beach and we now know all sorts of interesting facts about the Life Boat here at St. Annes. We topped off a truly special morning with a scrumptious ice- cream.

We thank all those who volunteer themselves selflessly in our community - you are an inspiration.


As mentioned above we have completed a number of lessons on the Mexico Disaster. We have also read maps and identified symbols on an OS Map. It was fun on Thursday as we carried OS maps with the plotted route to follow - a number of children insisted on following this and checking where we where on route! We have also completed some quizzes this week - taking time to reflect on what we have learnt this year. I would like to thank all the children for listening carefully and doing their best. In music we continued with our songs of the British Isles. Last week we learned “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” this week we learnt “Lavender Blue” - we are rather good singers. On Friday we invited Mrs Naylor into class, she will be our new Year 3 teacher! We showed her how focused we are when we write and how well we listen and share in class council. We had fun with Miss Neves in DT and whacked balls off a tees with Mr Nay! As always a packed week of learning!


Ask your child to retell you the story of the Mexico disaster. Here are some key words to help them along (although I know most children will not need these prompts)


27 - lost sailors

The Mexico

Eliza Fernley

Laura Janet

Charles Biggs

16 widows 50 children lost their dad

Community came together to help including Queen Victoria


As always it is almost impossible to choose two certificate winners!

For being a Kuba Crab - Wren. Throughout the year Wren you have shown how important it is to really listen and actively think at the same time. You ponder, reflect and make connections independently of the teacher! Your steady approach to your work this week really paid off. Similarly, you trusted yourself to use careful jottings to solve a mixture of maths problems - really accurately. Well done!

Henry Oliver - enthusiastic Bobby Bee. Henry Mrs Maano spotted how gripped you were by the Mexico disaster story this week. We were impressed with your retelling during the computing lesson. It is wonderful when something really grabs your attention. Make sure you tell your family all about it - drag them down to the memorial and give them a tour of the Life Boat Station too!

Our Virtues - Isla - every week you show us how to calmly and generously share your insights in class. You are endless kind to your teachers. Thank you.

Dinner Awards: 

Marvellous Manner- Halle

Role Model of the week- Vincent 


Enrichment day - Monday morning! This Monday we will be joining Mrs Harrison (Year 6) in the hall for ballroom dancing! We will need our PE kits please.

It is induction morning next Wednesday - when we are “inducted” into our next class. We are all excited about moving to Key Stage 2 and spending the morning in our new classroom!. Mrs Naylor will be our new teacher!

Homework books Monday please - with handwriting and spelling practice - its good to reward these efforts - so valued!

Learning continues everyday!

Have a lovely weekend from the whole Year 2 team.