Year 6 Weekly Blog 'If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other'.

This week in our class liturgy, our word of the week has been GLOBAL. We reflected on what it means to be named the Son of Man and we talked about how many names Jesus has and how he reaches out to everyone all over the world. In preparation for the 2025 Jubilee Year 'Pilgrims of Hope', 2024 has been designated a Year of Prayer by Pope Francis. Each child has recieved their own bookmark, with a very special prayer on it, that we shared during our liturgy.

Dancing, singing and laughing has most definitely been the theme for the week this week in Year 6! You are in for such a treat with their end of year play. When I watch them on stage now, I can’t believe some of them are the same children that started the play 3 weeks ago. Their confidence has grown so much and are now so much more comfortable on stage that they are bringing their characters fully to life! This week we have got over half way through the play, with just the final two scenes to go, so later next week we will be running from the top all the way through each day, to tweak any changes we may need to. Please make sure Year 6 spend some time this weekend going back over all of their lines, thank you. This week we have been trying to sort costumes. We always try to source the outfits as much as we can ourselves, with little effort or cost from yourselves. If you have not heard about costumes as yet, then you will on Monday! This is a long process, so bear with us.

Year 6 have been so busy in class too, during play rehearsals, they have continued to work hard on their class novel ‘Skellig’, looking deeper in to the text by answering some tricky comprehension questions. In Maths this week, we have been looking at symmetry, designing stars that have symmetrical paterns. The children have started their transition lessons, where we talked about how we choose our own attitudes and reflected on what we need to do to be a ‘kid awesome’ and become successful learners! We have started to read extracts from the book, ‘You are awesome’, and the children are really enjoying it. This helps children to see practical ways to become successful learners, how to be reslient and much more- it’s a really fun book to read. Below are two books that could really help your children as they transition to high school…

Year 6 have excelled in their jobs around the school this week and the teachers have been praising them on their support within the classroom, in fact I think they wished they were in there permanently. They have sat with the children in their class at lunchtimes to help keep the noise levels down, they have been supporting them in their work, reading with children and even building towers in Reception…

Delving deeper through talk …

What does a star look like at Our Lady’s?

How can you be ‘kid awesome’ at high school?

Well done to Charlie and Evan

Charlie, you are so pro-active and hands on, always ready to help when needed and see what needs doing! We absolutely love the way you always have a positive outlook on any situation and make it your mission to praise people when you see others deserve this. What emotional intelligence you have! You are such a caring learning partner, thank you for always having patience and showing love to your classmates- you make our class a happy place to be!

Wow Evan, you are such an independent learner. You are working so hard on the learning you are given and what we are really impressed with, is the care, consideration and focus you put in to your task. You have put so much detail in to your work and your star research was so creative and cleverly written- thank you Evan for being a focused and trustworthy learner, who strives to do their best!

Grateful and Generous butterflies

This half term we will be on the lookout for all the children that are grateful for their own gifts, the gifts of others and the blessings of each day. We will also be spotting children who are generous, who use their gifts to help others. These children are the role models of the school. This week we thank Georgia for always being generous with his own gifts to help others.

Lunch Time Awards …

Marvelous Manners awards … Lily-Mae

Role Model of the week … Tabby

This week we have the following children helping to take the younger children to their class:

Jay Tabby Owen Evan

St Bede’s Transition

Children are being picked up at 9:15am by members of staff from St Bede’s and will be dropped off back at school just before pick up time. Children all need to bring £2.50 (in the correct change) for their school dinner and their water bottle- please don’t forget.

Blackpool Showtime Museum

On Wednesday 10th July, we will be taking Year 6 children by bus to blackpool to visit the Blackpool Showtime museum, to enhance our local History study of Blackpool. Here they will have a workshop where they will meet a 1950s Walkies photographer who will help the class explore Blackpool’s history. Learn how Blackpool became a popular seaside resort from the Victorian era and discover more about a day at the seaside through the years. The cost of the trip is just £10, made cheaper by getting public transport. This will be on PARENT PAY early next week. We will be leaving at 10:30am, so will be having a packed lunch in Blackpool. Please could you fill in the form below, to tell us whether your child is bringing their own packed lunch from home or made by Jacqui.

Final Notices:

St Bede’s Transition Day: Wednesday 3rd July

THE GREATEST SHOW PERFORMANCE: Monday 15th and Tuesday 16th July at 6:00pm.

Leavers Mass Wednesday 17th July 9:30-10:30am

Thursday 18th July- The leavers day out

Friday 19th July- Break up at 2pm.

Have a lovely, restful weekend.