Year 3 Weekly Blog 28th June - Work hard and stay focused to achieve your goals and dreams in life. That is the path to true happiness.

Class Worship

Our class worship was led by Bea, Albert and Nathan, they will be our Prayer Leaders for a week. They read Brave Stephen Acts 6-7 and shared their personal prayer to the class. There has been a theme of reflection in the children’s prayers this half term, it has been lovely to hear how thankful and grateful they feel about the opportunities they have had this year, in school and at home.

 This week’s learning:

 English: We are really enjoying The Spider and the Fly, this week the children have identified adjectives in the poem then used word hippo to find synonyms. We used our new words to make synonym webs! We’ve also made our own story maps for each verse. Next week we’ll be thinking about the gruesome foods that the spider may enjoy before thinking of our own.

 Computing: I am so impressed with the children’s computing skills, over the last couple of weeks they have used the skills learnt in lessons to produce amazing keynote presentations. It never fails to amaze me how quickly children pick up these skills or somehow know exactly what to do when they have an ipad in their hand - I have to admit there have been a few occasions where I have asked the children how they have done something! We really ae learning together!

In PE, on Wednesday afternoon we continued practising our under arm throws. In preparation for strike and field games we then added a running element to our games. The children worked in groups - half throwing and catching whilst the other half made as many runs as they could before the catchers got to 20.

Music: This week we used the D or G notes on our glockenspiels to add a Drone to our Rags from last lesson. A Drone is simply one note played over and over in the background, which sounds a bit like someone humming a long held note. It was important to play slowly, allowing the note to naturally die out before playing it again. 

RHE - This week the children have learnt some key facts about alcohol, tobacco and drugs. First we played a ‘True or False’ game to see what we already knew. Then we researched and gathered lots of information to create fact files on drugs, alcohol and tobacco. We will be using this research next week to create our own posters. The lesson was underpinned with the religious understanding that consuming these substances is harmful to our bodies, and therefore God’s creation. The children considered a range of scenarios in order to learn about making the right choices when it comes to substances. More information can be founnd on the parent’s portal here.

Conversation starter…

What fictional place would you like to visit?

As a class we have read of places full of magic, friendly animals, enchanted trees and strange underground communities. If you could visit any of these places where would you visit? Perhaps you could make up your own fictional land to visit…it could be under the sea, inhabited by magical creatures, enchanted forest, weird and wonderful plants.
Can you draw your fictional land?


Jackson and Alana - You have both shown get focus and determination this week when faced with some tricky work, this is definitely something to be proud of and should be celebrated. You have both grown as learners and shown that when you work hard you achieve. Well done!

This half term’s virtues are Grateful and Generous.

Our Virtue butterflies this week have been awarded to: Nathan

Lunchtime Awards:
Role Model: Alana
Marvelous Manners: Ava


  • Glazey Days Trip - Thank you to those who have already made payments on parent pay- We will be painting tiles on Thursday 4th July at Glazey Days in Fleetwood. Children who normally have a school dinner will be provided with a school packed lunch. Children who normally have a packed lunch should bring their lunch as usual. Children should wear their school uniform as normal. We will be using public transport and will need to leave to school promptly at 8.55am, please ensure your child is at school by 8.45am at the latest.

  • Sunglasses - Please do not send your children into school with sunglasses.

  • PE Days - Monday outdoor PE, Wednesday indoor PE. PE kits to be worn on these day, full school uniform the rest of the week unless your child has a sports club in the morning ie Judo on Friday.

  • Earrings - Must be removed for PE lessons, please do not send children in with tape or plasters to cover their earrings. If your child cannot remove earrings themselves please ensure they are removed at home before school.

Have a lovely weekend, lets hope the weather stays!

Mrs Naylor, Miss Slater and Mrs Ely