‘An enthusiastic heart finds opportunities everywhere.’

What a wonderful week it has been in our classroom, the enthusiasm for learning and exploring has been overflowing! The room has been buzzing with Bobby Bee’s growing their brains!

We have been talking about what we mean by character and settings in different stories. We looked at three pictures and described the characters and thought about where the characters were and made predictions about what was going to happen next. We will explore the story further next week and find out what happens to the main character, Mr Bear. Below you can see our fabulous ideas of what the characters are saying in the different pictures.

The children were incredibly respectful and calm during our moment of silence during Remembrance Day. We made some beautiful poppies to help us remember all the people and families of those who gave so much for us.

In RE this week we have been talking about the families we belong to and we realized we don’t only belong to our families at home, but also our Reception class family and our school family. We thought about God, who is part of all of these families and His love keeps us all together. We talked about how we could be great members of our different families by always showing love and compassion to others.

In Maths we have been exploring 4, the children have been fantastic at identifying when a collection of objects is 4 or not 4 and have been explaining why. Here are some of the brilliant ideas we had…

‘2 and 1 more makes 3 so there isn’t 4’

‘2 and 2 makes 4’

‘3 and 1 makes 4’

‘1 and 1 and 1 and 1 makes 4’

3 is smaller than 4, there is not enough’

In Read Write Inc this week we have learnt three new sounds and had great fun blending sounds together, some of us are starting to segment the sounds too!

For ‘k...k..k’ we go ‘down the kangaroo’s body, tail and leg’.

For ‘u..u..u’ we go ‘down and under the umbrella, up to the top and down to the puddle’.

Finally for ‘b..b..b’ we go ‘down the laces, over the toe and touch the heel’.

We have added these sounds to the flashcard sets.

Let’s Celebrate

Barnaby is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For working hard this week to be a sound superstar! We are so impressed with your enthusiasm to take on a challenge to learn and practice our new sounds throughout the day. Well done Barnaby, keep it up!

Marla is a Co-operative Roger Robin - For being a great team player in our class by caring for others and always making good choices. You have set a brilliant example to everyone of how to show love and compassion to others. Well done Marla!

Important Notices

Wellies - If you haven’t already, please send a pair of wellies in for you child next week. They can stay in school, but please let me know if they need to go home for any reason.

Please enjoy the pictures below.

Have a great weekend

The Reception Team