‘Curiosity is the fuel for discovery, inquiry and learning.’

Happy New Year to you all it was brilliant to welcome the children back on Tuesday, they had so much to tell us about Christmas and all the fun they’d had.

We have started this half term off with a bang and started our ‘Around the world in 34 days’ trip. This week we made the long journey to Antarctica and found out some fascinating facts! First we got the train from St Anne’s to Manchester Airport, then we flew from Manchester to Ushaia (which is at the southern tip of Argentina). The final leg of our journey was by boat from Ushaia to Antarctica.

We had great fun finding facts on our trip about Antarctica and penguins, and loved watching the videos below. I’m sure the children would love to share them with you at home!

On Thursday we made our own snow, it was so fun throwing snowballs into our tray from different heights. If you want to make some at home the recipe is really simple…4 cups of corn flour and 2/3 (two thirds) of a cup of vegetable oil.

In Read Write Inc this week we have learnt three new sounds

For ‘x’ we say ‘csss’ and we go ‘down the arm and leg and cross the other way’.

For ‘qu’ we say ‘cww’ and we go ‘round the queen’s head, up to her crown, down her hair and curl’.

For ‘nnng’ we say ‘a thing on a string’ - Today we made are own things and put them on strings so they wouldn’t escape!

We had great fun using our new loose parts to create small worlds and stories together. Look at the detail and imagination in the pictures below! AMAZING.

Let’s Celebrate

Edward is a Co-operative Roger Robin - For setting a brilliant example during tidy up time by getting the job done with a positive attitude. You have shown care and respect to all our resources this week. Well done Edward!

Scarlet is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For being enthusiastic towards trying new challenges within our classroom and encouraging others to do the same. Well done Scarlet!

Important Notices

Wellies - If your child does not have wellies in school, please send a labelled pair in as soon as possible as we have lunchtime on the field every day.

We hope you have a lovely weekend, The Reception Team