‘Generosity takes an open heart and a love that asks for nothing in return.’

I think its best to let the pictures do the talking this week, hopefully you can see what a fantastic week we have had walking, concentrating, discussing and growing our brains!

Each day as part of our Walk against Hunger' we have walked 1km to start our day and the taken part in different relay races in the afternoon to build up our total distance as a team. We had so many ideas for relays, this week we have done a minion relay, dinosaur relay, balloon relay and bean bag relay. It has been great fun but also allowed us to think during our class worships about why we are supporting CAFOD in this way.

Our new sounds this week are ‘ir’ - whirl and twirl and ‘ou’ - shout it out and we have been impressing everyone with our knowledge. Keep up that hard work at home!

In Maths this week we have been looking at the patterns the Numberblocks make and noticed that to make the next Numberblock we add ‘1 more’ each time.

We have been discussing our favourite fruit and vegetables this week and discovering where they grow. We were really interested to see pictures of the stages of growth. On Thursday Miss Neves helped us to plant our own beans in clear bags so we are able to see them develop. We’re hoping we don’t have any enormous beanstalks in the classroom on Monday!

Important notices

EXCITING TRIP NEWS - We are off on our very first trip! We are heading off on a coach to Brockholes for a story time adventure and a minibeast hunt. I think the class are going to LOVE it. I will send out further details via a special blog next week about lunches etc. For now it would be very helpful if you could log on to ParentPay and pay the £15 trip cost. Thank you!

Parent Meetings - It was great to meet some of you this week we are looking forward to seeing you in class over the next couple of weeks, your children are so excited to show you their learning environment.

Lent Almsgiving - After much thought we have decided that our almsgiving through Lent will focus on CAFOD’s Walk Against Hunger and we will be praying for all those around the world who are in desperate need. The children will be asking you to sponsor them as each class tries to walk at least 200K (125 miles!) over the next five weeks in our lead up to Holy Week in school. You can do this by donating on ParentPay which will be live from today. If every family donates at least £5 in sponsorship we should be able to head towards that magical £1000 for this very worthy cause. In the past a few families have collected Lenten alms with wider family and friends and passed on the donation to our chosen charity so we will put this item on ParentPay showing a range for the amount to be donated but there are no expectations and all donations are gratefully received.

Have a great weekend, hopefully you can add some more steps to our walk against hunger!

The Reception Team