Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of His children" Pope Francis

We have had such a busy week!!!! Mrs Nel has taken pictures and made a gallery blow! In science we have explored shadows - very practically. We understand that a shadow takes the form of the object that blocks the light because light travels in a straight line. In maths we have cracked long multiplication (x unit) and it is on our homework this week. Each Thursday we study shape and space - so we have this aspect of maths ticking over and you can see us at work in the gallery. I have loved English this week too as the children wrote wonderful character descriptions of Beatrice (from our play)- I had such fun marking them. I then asked the children to re-draft them and type them out today! This work will now be on display in the hall.

Finally, in RE we studied in some detail sin, how sin separates us from God and breaks our trust with others. The children were able to relate this very human condition to people they know; books/film and their own personal experiences. We read about Pope Francis and his ideas on the subject- he talked about how each sin creates a knot inside us and these knots can be painful taking away our peace and serenity. But he also tells us that nothing in impossible for God’s mercy. God is full of grace wanting us to turn to him. When we seek forgiveness and change there is real hope and happiness waiting. We have created another display in the hall- here we have placed the words of Pope Francis and invited others to place their knots their as a devotion to Mary who always guides us back to her son.


Thank you for being sooo wonderfully organized with the black clothes this week. The children are soooo excited. Please note the children will be in their black clothes all of Monday and Tuesday. No school uniform required.

  • MONDAY: arriving at school at 8:20 - setting off for The Grand at 8:25am. Technical rehearsal form 9:00-10:00 am with the RSC director and team at The Grand. Return to school.

  • TUESDAY - PERFORMANCE DAY Performing for the general public and school at 1:00pm and 6:00pm

  • Tuesday 15th March we will be at the Theatre for a full rehearsal with the other schools - we will be setting off at 8:20 again. At 1:00pm we will be performing the play to an audience. School will provide transport back so children can come home for tea and rest. The children then have to return to Blackpool for 5:20pm - meeting Mrs Hotchkiss at the stage door entrance (back of theatre) for a second performance at 6:00pm. The show will finish at approx 7:00- 7:15ish  all children will need picking up after the show from outside at Bella Pasta just down the Church street (20m from the Theatre). PLEASE DO NOT TAKE YOUR CHILD WITHOUT SPEAKING TO MRS NEL, MRS FORSTER OR MRS HOTCHKISS.

  • Please contact me via email if your child is a school dinner on Tuesday and their bringing their own packed lunch.

  • After school clubs for Monday as normal

  • No football club for Year 5 this Tuesday - home tea and back to the theatre


This week our Grow your Brain certificates went to: Evie and Olivia!!! Well done

Our French stars were: Saul, Isabella and James

Have a restful weekend!