‘Find joy in the ordinary.’

Another brilliant week in the sunshine for Reception. Our beans are growing well and this week we have planted cress and sunflowers, we can’t wait to watch them grow. It was so lovely to welcome our final group of grown ups, again thank you for getting stuck in to all the fun and embracing the experience! I hope you enjoy the photos.

Our ‘Walk Against Hunger’ for CAFOD has turned into a jog against hunger. We are loving our daily 3 laps of the field, And I know so many of you are clocking up the miles at the weekend too…thank you!

In RE this week we have been thinking about how we need to ask Jesus to help us to be kind to others. We listened to the story of the ‘Feeding of the 5000’ and were amazed how Jesus helped the boy to share with others. We tried to think about this during our choosing time, sometimes it can be tricky to share, but we know Jesus can help us!

We are flying in Read Write Inc, working in smaller groups is really helping us focus and grow are brains. We are real readers and writers now and are using this in our play more and more. We had a brilliant restaurant develop outside this week, and loved using our sound brains to write down the orders.

   This week we have been using our fingers to represent 6 as ‘5 and a bit’ We used double dice frames to represent 6 as 5 and 1 more. We also discovered how to make 6 in other ways, 3 and 3, 2 and 4. We had great fun singing ‘Five little men in a flying saucer’ and used a hoop as the flying saucer.

PE was so fun this week, we were climbing over and under large equipment which meant jumping from a great height. We bent our knees when we landed and put our arms up like real gymnasts!

Let’s Celebrate

Patrick is a Creative Kiki Chameleon - For being incredibly creative in the workshop this week by using many different resources to make some great masks. We are very impressed that you have share you skills with others and supported them to create their own masks. Well done Patrick!

Danny is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For spreading your enthusiasm wonderfully around the class! We are so impressed that you always encourage others to try their best especially when it comes to being helpful and looking after our classroom. Well done Danny!

Important notices

Brockholes Trip 31st March - If you didn’t see it last week please see separate trip blog for everything you need to know.

Enjoy the weekend!

The Reception Team